Celebrity Jury Panels – Harris County Criminal Courthouse


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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] SEPTEMBER 22, 2020 [/su_heading]

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Show Me The Justice Lawyer Jeff Ross
Celebrity Jury Panel by Show Me The Justice Lawyer Jeff Ross as he defends his client in front of jurors (front l-r) Connie Williams, Tyler White, Sara Siegel, Nathan Mays, Cynthia Henley, Jennifer Carpenter (back l-r) Joseph Dumas, Je’Rell Rogers, Simone Colson, Nisha King Hawkins and Herman Martinez

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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] SEPTEMBER 15, 2020 [/su_heading]

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Show Me The Justice Lawyer Jeff Ross
Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – September 15, 2020 – Show Me The Justice Attorney Jeff Ross on the bridge defending his client to jurors (bottom l-r) Grant Scheiner, Joe Wells, Spock, Sharica Gray, Jim O’Donnell, Meredith Morse (top l-r) Carmen Roe, Murray Newman, Cheryl Chapell, Lizette Islas, Brenda DeRouen, Erika Ramirez

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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] SEPTEMBER 9, 2020 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – September 9, 2020 – Show Me The Justice Attorney Jeff Ross along with jurors (front l-r) Jennifer Jordan, Tyrone Moncriffe, Kimberly Smith, Beth Exley, John Petruzzi, Clint Eastwood (back l-r) Jackie Carpenter, Melissa Dickson, Ken Mingledorff, Corey Gomel, Loretta Johnson, Adam Brown

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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] AUGUST 27, 2020 [/su_heading]

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Show Me The Justice Attorney Jeff Ross
Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – August 27, 2020 – Defense Attorney Jeff Ross along with court reporter Leah Leal and Bailiff Paul Pryor hanging out with exemplary jury panel consisting of front row – Samuel Milledge II, Lara Hogue, Tom Zakes, Denzel, Nancy Ta, Israel Santana – second row Asha Reddi, Mekisha Walker, Tara Long, Roger Donley, Juan Aguirre and Renee Thomason.


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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] JULY 2, 2020 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – June 26, 2020 – “Blast from the Past – 1984” – Former District Attorney Johnny Holmes and his two assistants – Rusty Hardin and Casey O’Brien speaking in front of jurors (front l-r) Loretta Muldrow, John Petruzzi, Leslie Yates, Denise Crawford, Ruben Perez, Bob Loper (back l-r) Jay Karahan, Judy Mingledorff, Kirk Oncken, Allen Tanner, Randy Burton and Jeff Ross.


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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] JUNE 23, 2020 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – June 18, 2020. Judge (for-a-day) Rand Mintzer presides over a Zoom trial with Defense Attorney Larry McDougal and Defense Attorney (part-time sheriff) Todd Overstreet looking on. Jurors (top l-r) include Nathan Hennigan, Bret Kisluk, David Runcie, Whitney Rasberry, Lauren Reeder, Charles Barkley, Oprah Winfrey, Samantha Ketterer, Jante Simoneaux, Patty Fernandez, Matthew Brown and Todd Dupont.

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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] JUNE 16, 2020 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – June 10, 2020 – Judge Darrell Jordan along with Bailiff Bernie Palmer, assistant clerk Victoria Guzman and court reporter Karen Hendricks.  Prosecutor Gilbert Sawtelle is incredulous that juror Shelby Manuel is watching an Astros game during trial!  Jurors (top l-r) Cheri Schultz, Brian Wice, Cicely Reid, Taly Thiessen, Peyton Manning, Stephanie Alfonso, Christel Bastida, Meredith Morse, Pulitzer prize winner Lisa Falkenberg, Shelby Manuel, Paul St. John and Judge Andrew Wright.

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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] JUNE 9, 2020 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – June 3, 2020 – Another Scott Ross Productions jury trial with off sight jurors.  Videographer Scott Ross, Photographers Alan and Gwynne Ross.  Judge Abigail Anastasio along with jury handwriting expert Alice Weiser Berkman, Court Reporter Rachel Cochran and Bailiff Russell Adam.  Jurors (front l-r) Araya Dixon, Elsa Alcala, Oakley, Yoda, Harley, Vy Nguyen, Sadiyah Karriem (back l-r) Jeff McShan, Keri Blakinger, Marc Carter, Shirley Bedynek, Chauntelle Wood, Dulce Toledo.  Steamin Willie Beamen as lawyer


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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] JUNE 2, 2020 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – May 27, 2020 – Defense Attorney Katie Ferrell preparing to give a closing argument in front of 12 jurors appearing remotely on computer screens.  Jurors include (front l-r) Lindsay Arredondo, Judge Shannon Baldwin, (Leo Ross), Jackie Carpenter, Julio Vela, Justin Harris (back l-r) Beyonce, Shavaris Kennedy, William McLellan, Te’iva Bell, Mike Eber, Romy Kaplan.  Juror Melissa Dickson on the floor. Judge Kelli Johnson presiding along with Bailiff Jerry Vaja and court reporter Gailann Wright Rolen.  Scott Ross Productions behind the scenes with Scott Ross, Alan Ross and Gwynne Ross.


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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] MAY 26, 2020 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – May 26, 2020 – Defense Attorneys Steve Shellist and Paula Goodhart make their case in front of a formidable jury panel that includes (1st row l-r) Dan Malik, Kenisha Day, Stephen Driver, Vinny, Amber Joachim, Jay Gordon (2nd row l-r) Heather Axline, Becky Marshall, Nisha Hawkins, Je’Rell Rogers, Jim O’Donnell and Kim Garcia.  Bailiff Larry Garcia and Court Reporter Amanda Fazio (and her son) Judge Brian Warren and his wife Katie Warren

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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] MAY 21, 2020 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – May 21, 2020 – Defense Attorney Mark Thiessen gets a laugh from Court Reporter Leah Leal after she asks him to SLOW DOWN in Judge Raul Rodriguez’s court! Jurors (front l-r) Samuel Milledge, Jr., Lara Hogue, Tom Zakes, Denzel, Nancy Ta, Israel Santana (back l-r) Asha Reddi, Mekisha Walker, Tara Taylor Long, Roger Donley, Juan Aguirre and Renee Thomason. Bailiff Paul Pryor


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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] APRIL 9, 2018 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – April 9, 2018 featuring (front row) Golfer Tiger Woods, Prosecutor Nicholas Toupes, Golfer Michelle Wie, Golfer Jack Nicklaus, Golfer Phil Mickelson, Defense Attorney Jeff Ludwig (back row) Judge Bill Harmon, Prosecutor Vince Tanzillo, Judge Analia Wilkerson, Judge Dan Spjut, Defense Attorney Anna Emmons



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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] APRIL 2, 2018 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – April 2, 2018 featuring Defense Attorney Corey Gomel, Prosecutor Liz Alderson, Defense Attorney Colleen Gaido Brodsky, Prosecutor Will Cowardin, Astro Carlos Correa, Defense Attorney Nathaniel Pitoniak, Clerk Shelby Manuel, Prosecutor Audia Jones, Defense Attorney Beth Shipley Exley, Probation Officer Cyndi Perez, Defense Attorney Joe Vinas, Astro George Springer, Batter Astro Jose Altuve

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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] MARCH 25, 2018 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – March 25, 2018 Featuring (l-r) Megan Elliot-Long, Ryan Mitchell, Joseph Dumas, Steve Shellist, Peyton Peebles, Mikhal Gongora Abdul-Sayed, Sarah Massoud Buazza, Brad Runcie, Stacey Webb Bond, Lindsey Hovland, Aaron Burnette, Shannon Baldwin and Preston Burns.

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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] MARCH 10, 2018 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel – by Jeff Ross – March 10, 2018 with Special Prosecutor Wayne Heller, jurors Newman, Defense Attorney Brian Warren, Babou, Defense Attorney Chris Tritico, Actress Teri Hatcher, Prosecutor Janie Asha Korah, Soup Nazi, Prosecutor Cara Nunnally, Prosecutor Britni Cooper, Defense Attorney Abigail Anastasio and Judge Darrell Jordan along with Defense Attorney Jackie Chiles and the Seinfeld cast.


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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] MARCH 1, 2018 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – February 23, 2018 with Singer Lyle Lovett and jurors (l-r) Prosecutor Scott Gordon, Defense Attorney Dustan Neyland, Defense Attorney Larry McDougal, Defense Attorney Todd Overstreet, Actress Dolly Parton, Prosecutor Erica Robinson, Defense Attorney Andrew Wright, City of Conroe Stephanie Keeton, Prosecutor Emily Patton, Singer Garth Brooks and Defense Attorney Gary Trichter


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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] FEBRUARY 24, 2018 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – February 17, 2018 – Superhero Actor Robert Downey, Jr. with jurors Defense Attorney Connie Williams, Prosecutor Bayoji Akingbola, Prosecutor Tyler White, Defense Attorney Kevin Howard, Criminal Clerk Ja’me Robinson, Prosecutor Michael Harrison, Actor Tobey Maguire, Defense Attorney Jolanda Jones, Defense Attorney Alicia O’Neill, Judge Brad Hart and Criminal Clerk Angie Ang

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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] FEBRUARY 19, 2018 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – February 12, 2018 – Race Car Driver Danica Patrick making her pitch to the jury consisting of (front l-r) Prosecutor James Hu, Defense Attorney Gregg Dasher, Honorable Judge Kristin Guiney, Race Car Driver Jeff Gordon, Defense Attorney Taly Thiessen, Prosecutor Chris McKinney and (back l-r) Defense Attorney Marcus Fleming, Defense Attorney Brock White, Prosecutor Urvashi Morolia, Prosecutor Kim Ikegbunam and Prosecutor Kaitlin Kaufmann


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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] FEBRUARY 12, 2018 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – February 5, 2018 – Olympic ice skater being scored by (front l-r) Defense Attorney James Padgett, Olympic skier Lindsey Vonn, Defense Attorney Brian Roberts, members of USA Hockey team and (back l-r) Prosecutor Dennis Green, Defense Attorney Tristan Legrande, Honorable Judge Hazel Jones, Prosecutor Courtney Kovach and Defense Attorney Jennifer Carpenter.




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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] FEBRUARY 5, 2018 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – February 5, 2018 – Referee/Judge Brad Hart calling a “first down” with Monday morning quarterback jury panel (front l-r) Prosecutor Hunter Brown, Patriots Quarterback Tom Brady, Entertainer Pink, Eagles Quarterback Nick Foles, Eagles Fan Jon Dumas and (back l-r) Defense Attorney Sedrick Walker, Defense Attorney Brandon Ball, Entertainer Justin Timberlake, Defense Attorney Juanita Jackson, Defense Attorney Emily Detoto and Texans Cheerleader affirming his correct call.



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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] JANUARY 21, 2018 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross -January 21, 2018 – Klingon Prosecutor demanding the extradition of Admiral Kirk to jurors (bottom l-r) Defense Attorney Tom Zakes, Actor DeForest Kelley (Dr. McCoy), Prosecutor Bianca Rodriguez, Actor Leonard Nimoy (Spock), Prosecutor Amber Joachim, Klingon Kor and (top l-r) Defense Attorney Kris Ougrah, Honorable Judge George Powell, Defense Attorney Kate Ferrell, Prosecutor Amanda Benavides and Actor Christopher Lloyd.



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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] JANUARY 14, 2018 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – January 14, 2018 -Actor Al Pacino (And Justice for All) giving his closing argument to jurors (bottom l-r) Photographer Jaime Zamora, Defense Attorney Mike Trent, Actress Ashley Judd, Defense Attorney Justin Keiter, Prosecutor Keri Losen-Fuller, actor Kevin Costner and (top row l-r) Defense Attorney Kenneth Cager, Actor John Forsythe, Honorable Judge Pam Derbyshire, Honorable Texas Court of Criminal Appeals Justice Elsa Alcala, Defense Attorney Brian Ayson and Court Reporter Tiffani June.

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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] JANUARY 7, 2018 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – January 7, 2018 -Actress Reese WItherspoon (Legally Blonde) explaining ammonium thioglycolate to jurors (bottom l-r) Honorable Judge Brad Hart, Prosecutor Stephen Driver, Defense Attorney Alex Macias, Defense Attorney Ann Johnson, Actor Luke Wilson, Defense Attorney Mekisha Walker, Honorable Judge Bill Harmon and (top l-r) Actor Jamie Foxx, Actor Will Smith, Prosecutor Sherin Daniel, Defense Attorney Robyn Brown and Defense Attorney Sean Darvishi.

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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] DECEMBER 31, 2017 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – December 31, 2017 – Actor Joe Pesci (My Cousin Vinny)trying to prove that his cousin and friend did not murder the clerk to jurors (bottom l-r Prosecutor Michael Hanover, Defense Attorney Michael Moore, Prosecutor Cheryl Chappell, Prosecutor Katherine Thomas, Actor Fred Gwynne and (top l-r) Defense Attorney Carmen Roe, Actor Morgan Freeman, Defense Attorney Donale Evans, Prosecutor Bethany Belisle and Actress Marisa Tomei.



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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] DECEMBER 24, 2017 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – December 24, 2017 – Actor Tom Cruise (A Few Good Men) giving his closing argument to jurors (bottom l-r) Defense Attorney David Fleischer, Actor Jack Nicholson, Prosecutor Andi Lex, Honorable Judge Randy Roll, Defense Attorney/Actor Jolanda Jones, Defense Attorney Jim Butler and (top l-r) Prosecutor Jonathan Miller, Actor Samuel Jackson, Prosecutor/Actor Vivian King, Prosecutor Kathleen Flavin and Defense Attorney John Petruzzi


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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] DECEMBER 17, 2017 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – December 17, 2017 – Famed Defense Attorney Rusty Hardin pontificating to jurors (1st row l-r) Defense Attorney Julio Vela, Actor Cuba Gooding, Prosecutor Janan Sharaf, Prosecutor Keaton Forcht, City of Conroe Employee Stephanie Best – Keeton, Prosecutor Chandler Raine and (2nd row l-r) Defense Attorney Bryan Acklin, Actor Denzel Washington, Prosecutor Lynn Nguyen, Honorable Judge Paula Goodhart and Defense Attorney Joseph Gagliardi


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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] DECEMBER 10, 2017 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – December 10, 2017 – Former Harris County District Attorney Johnny Holmes fulminating at jurors (1st row l-r) Defense Attorney Joaquin Jimenez, Defense Attorney Raul Rodriguez, Prosecutor Hilary Kustoff, Prosecutor Steve Belt, Prosecutor Jani Korah, Defense Attorney Neil Krugh and (top row l-r) Prosecutor Syed Imam, Prosecutor Brad Runcie, Prosecutor Sara Siegel, Defense Attorney Tonya Rolland-McLaughlin and Prosecutor David Mitcham.


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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] DECEMBER 3, 2017 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – December 3, 2017 – Prosecutor Colleen Barnett closing argument to jurors (1st row l-r) Prosecutor Jeff Matovich, Honorable Judge Dan Spjut, Honorable Judge Jay Karahan, Honorable Judge Natalie Fleming, Defense Attorney Dan Cogdell, Prosecutor Sarah Massoud-Buazza, Defense Attorney Brian Wice and (back row l-r) Honorable Judge Mike Fields, Defense Attorney DaSean Jones, Prosecutor Sharica Gray, Prosecutor Vanessa Goussen and Defense Attorney Brian Coyne


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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] NOVEMBER  25, 2017 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross –  November 25, 2017 –  District Attorney Kim Ogg opens her case with jurors (bottom row l-r) Defense Attorney Dustan Neyland, Defense Attorney Abel Izaguirre, Defense Attorney Jim Medley, Prosecutor Amanda Benavides, Defense Attorney Tyler Flood, Prosecutor Ashley Guice, Defense Attorney Corey Gomel and (top row l-r) Defense Attorney Lott Brooks, Defense Attorney Tyrone Moncriffe, Prosecutor Chauntelle Wood, Defense Attorney Jill Lansden and Defense Attorney Rand Mintzer


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[su_heading size=”29″ margin=”0″] NOVEMBER  18, 2017 [/su_heading]

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Celebrity Jury Panel by Jeff Ross – November 18, 2017 – District Attorney Kim Ogg making her closing argument in front of jurors (bottom row l-r) Defense Attorney Feroz Merchant, Defense Attorney Alan Macias, Prosecutor Alex Cohn, Prosecutor Christine Lu, Defense Attorney Danny Easterling, Prosecutor Mary Grace Schick and (top row l-r) Prosecutor Tim Adams, Prosecutor Bayoji Akingbola, Prosecutor Janie Korah, Prosecutor Shanice Newton and Defense Attorney Murray Newman

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