ShowMeTheJustice – May 13, 2019

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[su_frame]Colleen Barnett[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Prosecutor Colleen Barnett for earning a Guilty Verdict for the State of Texas in Cause Numbers 1476015 out of the 184th Criminal District Court for the offense of Capital Murder – Sentence:  Life in Prison (presiding judge Abigail Anastasio)  CLICK2HOUSTON

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Congratulations to Prosecutor Mario Cicconetti for earning a Guilty Verdict for the State of Texas in Cause Numbers 1462693 out of the 351st Criminal District Court for the offense of Online Solicitation of a Minor – Sentence:  5 Years Probation (presiding judge George Powell) co-counsel James Hu  CLICK2HOUSTON

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[su_frame]James Hu[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Prosecutor James Hu for earning a Guilty Verdict for the State of Texas in Cause Numbers 1462693 out of the 351st Criminal District Court for the offense of Online Solicitation of a Minor – Sentence:  5 Years Probation (presiding judge George Powell) co-counsel James Hu  CLICK2HOUSTON

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[su_frame]John Paul Cedillo[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney John Paul Cedillo for earning a Not Guilty Verdict for your client in Cause Number 1517621 out of the 178th Criminal District Court for the offense of Sexual Assault (presiding judge Kelli Johnson) co-counsel Crystal Wiley

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[su_frame]Crystal Wiley[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney Crystal Wiley for earning a Not Guilty Verdict for your client in Cause Number 1517621 out of the 178th Criminal District Court for the offense of Sexual Assault (presiding judge Kelli Johnson) co-counsel John Paul Cedillo

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[su_frame]Josh Raygor[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Prosecutor Josh Raygor for earning an In-Trial Guilty Plea for the State of Texas in Cause Number 1547663 out of the 263rd Criminal District Court for the offense of Aggravated Robbery – Sentence:  15 Years in Prison (presiding judge Belinda Hill)

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The following cases are felony – including RIC – and all trial setting dismissals derived from the Harris County District Clerk’s website – dockets tab.  I examine each dismissal form before posting, post only those defendants who are free of charges (exceptions apply) and for which I have an  attorney photo.  These and non-photo cases are entered into the Defense Attorney spreadsheet published on Saturdays.    Felony and misdemeanor dismissals are published in the spreadsheets below)

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[su_frame]Spence Graham[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney Spence Graham for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1598462 out of the 232nd Criminal District Court for the offense of Continuous Violence Against Family


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[su_frame]Jed Silverman[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney Jed Silverman for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1595411 out of the 262nd Criminal District Court for the offense of Sexual Assault

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[su_frame]Silvia Pubchara[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney Silvia Pubchara for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1618674 out of the 177th Criminal District Court for the offense of Aggravated Assault Family Member

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[su_frame]David Rushing[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney David Rushing for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1623628 out of the 178th Criminal District Court for the offense of Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle

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[su_frame]Cheryl Diggs[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney Cheryl Diggs for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1598161 out of the 339th Criminal District Court for the offense of Assault Family Member

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[su_frame]Rahan Atia[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney Rahan Atia for earning a trial setting felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1597760 out of the 339th Criminal District Court for the offense of Aggravated Assault Family Member

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[su_frame]Mike DeGeurin[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney Mike DeGeurin for earning felony dismissals for your clients in Cause Numbers 1605147 – 1605148 out of the 339th Criminal District Court for the offenses of Hindering Apprehension and Terroristic Threat

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[su_frame]Andrew Martin[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney Andrew Martin for earning trial setting felony dismissals for your client in Cause Numbers 1590781 – 1590782 – 1590783 out of the 174th Criminal District Court for the offenses of Possession of Controlled Substance and Felon in Possession of a Weapon

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[su_frame]Steven Greenlee[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney Steven Greenlee for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1613370 out of the 174th Criminal District Court for the offense of Sexual Assault

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[su_frame]Alexis Bruegger[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney Alexis Bruegger for earning a trial setting felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1533490 out of the 174th Criminal District Court for the offense of Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle

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[su_frame]Joe Wells[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney Joe Wells for earning felony dismissals for your client in Cause Numbers 1601929 – 1601930 out of the 176th Criminal District Court for the offenses of Possession with Intent to Deliver Drugs

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[su_frame]Michelle Beck[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney Michelle Beck for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1557106 out of the 182nd Criminal District Court for the offense of Assault Family Member

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[su_frame]Lindsay Bauer[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney Lindsay Bauer for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1614564 out of the 183rd Criminal District Court for the offense of Assault Family Member

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[su_frame]Lisa Strauss[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney Lisa Shapiro Strauss for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1614456 out of the 208th Criminal District Court for the offense of Assault Family Member

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[su_frame]Roy Whitaker III[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney Roy Whitaker III for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1596414 out of the 209th Criminal District Court for the offense of Aggravated Assault

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[su_frame]Ben Pearce[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney Ben Pearce for earning a trial setting felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1580324 out of the 209th Criminal District Court for the offense of Credit Card Abuse

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[su_frame]Mario Madrid[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney Mario Madrid for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1413559 out of the 262nd Criminal District Court for the offense of Burglary of Habitation

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[su_frame]Kim Samman[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney Kim Samman for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1606400 out of the 263rd Criminal District Court for the offense of Aggravated Assault Family Member

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[su_frame]Carl Haggard[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney Carl Haggard for earning a trial setting felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1619572 out of the 337th Criminal District Court for the offense of Attempted Aggravated Robbery

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[su_frame]Maritza Antu[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney Maritza Antu for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1627463 out of the Reintegration Criminal District Court for the offense of Possession of Controlled Substance

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[su_frame]Denise Crawford[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney Denise Crawford for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1615713 out of the Reintegration Criminal District Court for the offense of Possession of a Controlled Substance

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[su_frame]Jolanda Jones[/su_frame]

Congratulations to Defense Attorney Jolanda Jones for earning felony dismissals for your client in Cause Numbers 1613203 – 1613204 out of the 177th Criminal District Court for the offenses of Escape and Possession with Intent to Deliver Drugs

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Robert Pelton Pointers


Sec. 21.002 
Contempt of Court

(a) Except as provided by Subsection (g), a court may punish for contempt.
(b) The punishment for contempt of a court other than a justice court or municipal court is a fine of not more than $500 or confinement in the county jail for not more than six months, or both such a fine and confinement in jail.
(c) The punishment for contempt of a justice court or municipal court is a fine of not more than $100 or confinement in the county or city jail for not more than three days, or both such a fine and confinement in jail.
(d) An officer of a court who is held in contempt by a trial court shall, on proper motion filed in the offended court, be released on his own personal recognizance pending a determination of his guilt or innocence. The presiding judge of the administrative judicial region in which the alleged contempt occurred shall assign a judge who is subject to assignment by the presiding judge other than the judge of the offended court to determine the guilt or innocence of the officer of the court.
                           MOTION FOR A BOND
PERRY MASON                         § HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS
COMES NOW, Robert Pelton, lawyer for Perry Mason, Lawyer, and requests this Honorable Judge to release Lawyer Mason on a personal recognizance bond in accordance with 21.002(d) of the Texas Government Code. (d) An officer of a court who is held in contempt by a trial court shall, on proper motion filed in the offended court, be released on his own personal  recognizance pending a determination of his guilt or innocence. The presiding judge of the administrative judicial region in which the alleged contempt occurred shall assign a judge who is subject to assignment by the presiding judge other than the judge of the offended court to determine the guilt or innocence of the officer of the court.
On the ____day of____ 2018, Perry Mason was held in contempt of court by
_____________. Robert Pelton, lawyer for Perry Mason files this Notice of Appeal and requests a bond be set in accordance with 21.002(d) of the Texas Government Code.
On this day, the____ of December 2018 came to be considered Defendant’s Motion for Personal Recognizance Bond and said motion is granted.
IT IS ORDERED that the PR bond amount be set at $_________ and that Defendant be released from custody and appear before the ______court.

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[su_frame]Ann Johnson[/su_frame]

Check out Ann’s article in Sunday’s Houston Chronicle



“Over the past decade I’ve worked with hundreds of women entangled in prostitution. Too often laws and law enforcement assume that selling their bodies is a rational choice, and a line of work they can exit easily.

Though many well-intended people believe the same things, those ideas are dead wrong. Sometimes, to help people see the light, I ask, “How many men have you pleasured orally today?”

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