ShowMeTheJustice – August 26, 2019

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[su_frame]Tim Adams[/su_frame]



Congratulations to Prosecutor Tim Adams for earning a Guilty Verdict for the State of Texas in Cause Number 1549249 out of the 174th Criminal District Court for the offense of Aggravated Robbery of >65 year old – Sentence:  36 Years in Prison  (presiding judge Hazel Jones) co-counsel Tyler White

Good job Tim!

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[su_frame]Tyler White[/su_frame]



Congratulations to Prosecutor Tyler White for earning a Guilty Verdict for the State of Texas in Cause Number 1549249 out of the 174th Criminal District Court for the offense of Aggravated Robbery of >65 year old – Sentence:  36 Years in Prison  (presiding judge Hazel Jones) co-counsel Tim Adams

Good job Tyler!

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[su_frame]Elizabeth Sakai[/su_frame]



Congratulations to Prosecutor Elizabeth Sakai for earning a Guilty Verdict for the State of Texas in Cause Number 1590300 out of the 179th Criminal District Court for the offense of Evading Arrest – Sentence: 1 Year in Jail / $4000 Fine (presiding judge Randy Roll)

Good job Elizabeth!

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[su_frame]Mike Eber[/su_frame]



Congratulations to Prosecutor Mike Eber for earning an In Trial Plea for the State of Texas in Cause Number 1616736 out of the 248th Criminal District Court for the offense of Assault Family Member –  Sentence: To Be Determined on October 22, 2019 after a PSI investigation (presiding judge Hilary Unger)

Good job Mike!

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[su_frame]Gilbert Sawtelle[/su_frame]

Another excellent piece of art created by Prosecutor Gilbert Sawtelle.  This rendition of downtown Main St. in Houston was commissioned by Judge Abigail Anastasio.  It is a 60in. x 36in. (5ft. x 3ft.) open acrylic on canvas.   Zoom in to see the details (Kiam Building, Dean’s, Clark’s, and the Judge with her two dogs).

Gilbert Sawtelle Painting
A painting by Prosecutor Gilbert Sawtelle. Downtown Houston, Texas.


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The following cases are felony – including RIC (links and PC issues) – and all trial setting dismissals derived from the Harris County District Clerk’s website – dockets tab. I examine each dismissal form before posting, post only those defendants who are free of charges (exceptions apply) and for which I have an attorney photo. These and non-photo cases are entered into the Defense Attorney spreadsheet published on Saturdays. Felony and misdemeanor dismissals are published in the spreadsheets below

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[su_frame]Jordan Lewis[/su_frame]


Congratulations to Defense Attorney Jordan Lewis for earning a trial setting dismissal for your client in Cause Number 2226877 out of County Criminal Court at Law Number 7 for the offense of DWI

Nice work Jordan!

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[su_frame]Ana Martinez[/su_frame]


Congratulations to Defense Attorney Ana Martinez for earning a trial setting dismissal for your client in Cause Number 2267746 out of County Criminal Court at Law Number 7 for the offense of Assault Family Member

Nice work Ana!

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Congratulations to Defense Attorney Roger Donley for earning trial setting dismissals for your client in Cause Numbers 2198975 – 2198976 out of County Criminal Court at Law Number 15 for the offenses of Assault  and Evading Arrest

Nice work Roger!

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[su_frame]Marcos Adrogue[/su_frame]


Congratulations to Defense Attorney Marcos Adrogue for earning a trial setting dismissal for your client in Cause Number 2198556 out of County Criminal Court at Law Number 8 for the offense of Assault Family Member

Nice work Marcos!

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[su_frame]Vik Vij[/su_frame]


Congratulations to Defense Attorney Vik Vij for earning a trial setting felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1550950 out of the 174th Criminal District Court for the offense of Aggravated Robbery

Nice work Vik!

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[su_frame]Michael Mercer[/su_frame]


Congratulations to Defense Attorney Michael Mercer for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1613831 out of the 179th Criminal District Court for the offense of Assault Family Member

Nice work Michael!

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[su_frame]S. K. Alexander[/su_frame]


Congratulations to Defense Attorney StevenS. K. Alexander” Harris for earning a trial setting felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1579528 out of the 182nd Criminal District Court for the offense of Aggravated Robbery

Nice work S.K. !

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[su_frame]Mario Madrid[/su_frame]


Congratulations to Defense Attorney Mario Madrid for earning a trial setting felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1579721 out of the 182nd Criminal District Court for the offense of Aggravated Robbery

Nice work Mario!

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[su_frame]Eddrea McKnight[/su_frame]


Congratulations to Defense Attorney Eddrea McKnight for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1639243 out of the 209th Criminal District Court for the offense of Evading Arrest with a Vehicle

Nice work Eddrea!

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[su_frame]Edward Okwueze[/su_frame]


Congratulations to Defense Attorney Edward Okwueze for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1622191 out of the 228th Criminal District Court for the offense of Assault Family Member

Nice work Edward!

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[su_frame]Michael Renfro[/su_frame]


Congratulations to Defense Attorney Michael Renfro for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1627374 out of the 228th Criminal District Court for the offense of Aggravated Assault

Nice work Michael!

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[su_frame]Kevin Stryker[/su_frame]


Congratulations to Defense Attorney Kevin Stryker for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1605826 out of the 230th Criminal District Court for the offense of Assault Family Member

Nice work Kevin!

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[su_frame]Bret Kisluk[/su_frame]


Congratulations to Defense Attorney Bret Kisluk for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1642093 out of the Reintegration Criminal District Court for the offense of Possession of a Controlled Substance

Nice work Bret!

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[su_frame]Philip Scardino[/su_frame]


Congratulations to Defense Attorney Philip Scardino for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1635599 out of the Reintegration Criminal District Court for the offense of Possession of a Controlled Substance

Nice work Philip!

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[su_frame]Maritza Antu[/su_frame]


Congratulations to Defense Attorney Maritza Antu for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1624139 out of the Reintegration Criminal District Court for the offense of Possession of a Controlled Substance

Nice work Maritza!

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[su_frame]Kurt Hopke[/su_frame]


Congratulations to Defense Attorney Kurt Hopke for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1622256 out of the Reintegration Criminal District Court for the offense of Possession of a Controlled Substance

Nice work Kurt!

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The Court Reporter has one of the most difficult jobs in the courthouse.  Imagine having to listen to EVERY single word in a trial and transcribing it!  My hats-off to you!  I will try to feature a court reporter each week and offer their tips on how we can make their job a little easier

[su_frame] Leah Leal[/su_frame]

Leah Leal has been a court reporter since 2014.  She has worked her entire career in the criminal court system starting with County Criminal Court at Law Number 10 – Judge Dan Spjut – and more recently as the court reporter for County Criminal Court at Law Number 13 –  judge Raul Rodriguez presiding – since January of this year.


“My day would go a lot smoother if…..”  –  during voir dire both the Prosecutors and Defense Attorneys made sure to identify each prospective juror by either calling out their NUMBER or having the juror say their NUMBER before speaking.

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ShowMeTheJustice – July 16, 2019