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Defense Attorney Bret Kisluk, Defense Attorney Bryan Acklin, Defense Attorney Cindy Marshall, Defense Attorney David Breston, Defense Attorney Emily Shelton, Defense Attorney Luci Davidson, Defense Attorney Maverick Ray, Defense Attorney Michael Renfro, Defense Attorney Neil Krugh, Defense Attorney Omar Khawaja, Defense Attorney Paula Kemp, Defense Attorney Tiffany Hill, Defense Attorney Windi Akins
along with: Defense Attorney Maegen Bradley, Defense Attorney Israel Santana, Public Defender Hannah Herzog, Defense Attorney Chabli Hall, Defense Attorney Stephanie Morales, Defense Attorney Mike Sardari
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From the Harris County District Clerk: Below is a video guide of a Jury Call and Voir Dire at NRG Arena, and a Jury Trial in one of the Downtown Courthouses. Consult the presiding judge of each court for that court’s specific courtroom setup and protocols.
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Under COVID orders does a Defendant have a RIGHT to a COURT trial without the consent of the State? (Normally all 3 parties have to agree)
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TRIAL WIN LEADERS from the Harris County Criminal Courthouse (February 7, 2017 – March 15, 2021). Congratulations to these fine prosecutors and defense attorneys for earning verdicts for the state and your clients over the last 4 years! (Source: Show Me The Justice “Lawyers in Trial” Spreadsheet)
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Great tips from the Harris County Court Reporters! I interviewed 12 of some of the best court reporters working the Harris County Criminal Courts and got their “inside information” on how jurors, lawyers, witnesses and judges can improve in trial to make it easier for the court reporter to take down ALL the information required of them for an excellent record.
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The following cases are felony DISMISSALS and misdemeanor trial setting dismissals derived from the Harris County District Clerk’s website – online services > public data sets > crimdisposdaily. I examine each dismissal form before posting, post only dismissals which appeared to require some work to earn, gets the client off scott-free (exceptions apply) and for which I have an attorney photo. ric court dismissals are posted only if legal issues were cited. for details go to “the making of this blog”
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Show Me The Justice congratulates Defense Attorney Paula Kemp for earning a trial setting misdemeanor dismissal for your client in Cause Number 2276484 out of County Criminal Court at Law Number 4 for the offense of
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Show Me The Justice congratulates Defense Attorney Omar Khawaja for earning a trial setting misdemeanor dismissal for your client in Cause Number 2295304 out of County Criminal Court at Law Number 3 for the offense of
Driving While Intoxicated
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Show Me The Justice congratulates Defense Attorney Maverick Ray for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1614915 out of the 262nd Criminal District Court for the offense of
Possession with Intent to Deliver a Controlled Substance
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Show Me The Justice congratulates Defense Attorney Luci Davidson for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1685165 out of the Reintegration Criminal District Court for the offense of
Possession of a Controlled Substance
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Show Me The Justice congratulates Defense Attorney Neil Krugh for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1671241 out of the 180th Criminal District Court for the offense of
Aggravated Assault Family Member
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Show Me The Justice congratulates Defense Attorney Windi Akins for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1661385 out of the 209th Criminal District Court for the offense of
Theft $2500 – $30K
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Show Me The Justice congratulates Defense Attorney Michael Renfro for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1649073 out of the 228th Criminal District Court for the offense of
Aggravated Assault
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Show Me The Justice congratulates Defense Attorney David Breston for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1663763 out of the 228th Criminal District Court for the offense of
Assault Family Member
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Show Me The Justice congratulates Defense Attorney Cindy Marshall for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1632234 out of the 248th Criminal District Court for the offense of
Assault on a Peace Officer
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Show Me The Justice congratulates Defense Attorney Emily Shelton for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1664769 out of the 248th Criminal District Court for the offense of
Aggravated Assault Family Member
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Show Me The Justice congratulates Defense Attorney Bret Kisluk for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1684192 out of the Reintegration Criminal District Court for the offense of
Possession of a Controlled Substance
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Show Me The Justice congratulates Defense Attorney Bryan Acklin for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1639506 out of the 263rd Criminal District Court for the offense of
Aggravated Assault
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Show Me The Justice congratulates Defense Attorney Tiffany Hill for earning a felony dismissal for your client in Cause Number 1630108 out of the 337th Criminal District Court for the offense of
Burglary of a Building
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Show Me The Justice congratulates Defense Attorney Maegen Bradley for earning a misdemeanor dismissal for your client in Cause Number 2312816 out of County Criminal Court at Law Number 4 for the offense of
Assault Family Member
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Show Me The Justice congratulates Defense Attorney Israel Santana for earning a misdemeanor dismissal for your client in Cause Number 2296094 out of County Criminal Court at Law Number 1 for the offense of
Assault Family Member
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Show Me The Justice congratulates Public Defender Hannah Herzog for earning a misdemeanor dismissal for your client in Cause Number 2345353 out of County Criminal Court at Law Number 8 for the offense of
Failure to Identify
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Show Me The Justice congratulates Defense Attorney Chabli Hall for earning a misdemeanor dismissal for your client in Cause Number 2340083 out of County Criminal Court at Law Number 9 for the offense of
Terroristic Threat
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Show Me The Justice congratulates Defense Attorney Stephanie Morales for earning a misdemeanor dismissal for your client in Cause Number 2318160 out of County Criminal Court at Law Number 3 for the offense of
Driving While Intoxicated
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Show Me The Justice congratulates Defense Attorney Mike Sardari for earning a misdemeanor dismissal for your client in Cause Number 2309181 out of County Criminal Court at Law Number 5 for the offense of
Terroristic Threat
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Note: The following spreadsheets, standings, charts, graphs and compilations are NOT 100% accurate and should not be relied upon as authoritative information.
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ALL VERDICTS by ATTORNEY last name – (OVER 1,800 TRIAL VERDICTS) starting February 1, 2017 from the Harris County Criminal Courthouse (for personal use ONLY) – some verdicts are listed more than once because each co-counsel gets their own listing
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Have you been charged with a crime in Harris County? Check out our list of attorneys with OVER 12,600 CRIMINAL DEFENSE SUCCESS STORIES since January 1, 2018
A Compilation of Not Guilty Verdicts, Mid-Trial Dismissals, Trial-Setting Dismissals and *Special Felony Dismissals (exceptions apply) from the Harris County Criminal Courthouse -For personal use ONLY
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Through February 12, 2021 – The above spreadsheet contains the names of a couple thousand defense attorneys earning nearly 12,000 not guilty verdicts, in-trial dismissals, trial setting dismissals and felony dismissals since January 2018. Great job to all on the list! Congratulations to the below listed attorneys for being the MOST MENTIONED attorneys on this spreadsheet for the combination of 1) Not Guilty Verdicts 2) In-Trial Dismissals 3) Trial Setting Dismissals and 4) Felony Dismissals! (Note: This is not an endorsement or acknowledgment of the best defense attorneys in Houston)
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(Source: Harris County District Clerk’s Online Services – CrimDisposMonthly spreadsheet – dismissals when convicted of another charge or case refiled is usually excluded but the District Clerk’s website is not functioning as normal. Does not include attorneys whose names do not appear as attorney of record on clerk’s spreadsheet. Attorneys above are mostly court appointed)
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CRIMINAL LAW INSTITUTE, INC. – Veteran Criminal Defense Attorneys Robert Pelton (pictured right), Joe Pelton (pictured left) and Former Congressman and District Court Judge Ted Poe (pictured center) have an online CLE class that is conducted each week.
The class is held every Wednesday from 12pm-1pm. You can earn 1 hour CLE by attending. No registration is required. The course number is given at the end of the class. You will have to download the GoToMeeting App on your computer or phone, then just click the link below at noon on a Wednesday.
The class is ONLY $20 ($10 if you are a Veteran or over 75) Note: The average 1-hour Texas State Bar CLE class is $50
Pay before, during or after the class with these 3 methods:
- Paypal – paypal.me/criminallawinstitute
- Venmo – @criminallawinstitute
- Mail Checks – made out to: Robert Pelton 4001 N. Shepherd Dr. Suite 200 Houston, Texas 77018.
If you want to get on Robert’s mass email list with Wednesday seminar updates mail to rpeltonlawyer1@aol.com and tell him Show Me The Justice sent you.
You can join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone at:
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GREAT CHANNEL TO WATCH LIVE COURT PROCEEDINGS AROUND TEXAS! CRIMINAL AND CIVIL PROCEEDINGS. Click on the YouTube photo and learn – look for the LIVE NOW indicators where it says WATCH NOW! txcourts.gov

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Watch livestream proceedings including trials if the camera is green
ZOOM ADDRESSES FOR DISTRICT COURTS (click here for larger picture)
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Are you interested in knowing which ADA is handling your client’s case? Go to your client’s file on the District Clerk’s website and login the DA Defense Portal. On that page you can find the DA in charge of the case AND you can find the CURRENT roster of ADAs in their current courts.
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Catch all the newest updates, trial tips, important defense information, office tidbits and much more in the Harris County Public Defenders newsletter headed by Chief Public Defender Alex Bunin.
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IMPORTANT NOTICE – The district clerk’s website has been displaying INCOMPLETE INFORMATION since July 5, 2020. The Online Dockets tab (faulty since July 5, 2020) and the Criminal Disposed Cases tab (faulty since November 19, 2020) from which I gather my blog information are BOTH providing only PARTIAL DATA. On July 5, 2020 and November 23, 2020 I submitted a work order for them to fix the problems, but to no avail. I apologize if I missed any information due to their inability to correct the issue.
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