ShowMeTheJustice – October 29, 2021

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Defense Attorney Aaron Perry, Defense Attorney Alexis Bruegger, Defense Attorney Andrew Smith, Defense Attorney Brennen Dunn, Defense Attorney Christian Capitaine, Defense Attorney Danny Easterling, Defense Attorney Diana Sims, Defense Attorney Dion Craig, Defense Attorney Don Hecker, Defense Attorney Dustan Neyland, Prosecutor Edward Appelbaum (Verdict), Defense Attorney Edward Casanova, Defense Attorney Francisco Fernandez (Verdict), Defense Attorney Jerome Godinich, Defense Attorney Joaquina Rodriguez, Defense Attorney Julio Vela, Defense Attorney Kathryn Kahle, Defense Attorney Marco Sapien, Prosecutor Mariah Myles (Verdict), Defense Attorney Mark Lipkin, Defense Attorney Mike Monks, Defense Attorney Mischa Montgomery, Defense Attorney Nathaniel Munier, Defense Attorney Peter Justin (Verdict), Defense Attorney Renee Thomason, Defense Attorney Robyn Brown, Defense Attorney Sally Ring, Defense Attorney Stephen St. Martin (Verdict), Defense Attorney Stephanie Martin, Prosecutor Taylor Thames (Verdict), Defense Attorney William Van Buren

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ShowMeTheJustice – October 28, 2021

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Defense Attorney Andrea Kolski, Public Defender Annie Marion, Defense Attorney Asha Reddi, Defense Attorney Brandon Strauss, Defense Attorney Casey Garrett, Defense Attorney Coby Dubose, Defense Attorney Danny Easterling, Defense Attorney David Breston, Defense Attorney David Rushing, Defense Attorney Doug O’Brien, Defense Attorney Ericon Garza, Defense Attorney Israel Santana, Defense Attorney James Pons, Defense Attorney Jayson Booth, Defense Attorney Jill Lansden, Defense Attorney Joseph Gagliardi, Defense Attorney Larry Douglas, Defense Attorney Le’Paul Jack, Defense Attorney Lonnie Knowles, Defense Attorney Matthew Sharp, Defense Attorney Omar Saman, Defense Attorney Paula Goodhart, Defense Attorney Sean Darvishi, Defense Attorney Skip Cornelius, Public Defender Tolu Nelms

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ShowMeTheJustice – October 27, 2021

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Prosecutor Al Valdez (Verdict), Defense Attorney Arthur Washington, Defense Attorney Charles Johnson, Defense Attorney Cheryl Brown, Defense Attorney Christian Capitaine, Defense Attorney Cory Roth, Prosecutor Dana Nazarova (Verdict), Defense Attorney David Paz, Defense Attorney David Rushing, Public Defender Ike Okorafor, Defense Attorney James Reed, Defense Attorney Jay Dedrick, Defense Attorney Kate Ferrell, Defense Attorney Khalil Saman, Defense Attorney Lara Autrey, Defense Attorney Lenzi Sheible, Defense Attorney Megan Bove, Defense Attorney Melissa Dickson, Defense Attorney Michelle Beck, Defense Attorney Omar Khawaja, Defense Attorney Paria Rafiee, Defense Attorney Philip Gommels, Defense Attorney Silvia Pubchara, Defense Attorney Sintia Solis, Defense Attorney Stacey Valdez, Defense Attorney Stephanie Martin, Defense Attorney Tucker Graves

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ShowMeTheJustice – October 26, 2021

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Defense Attorney Akilah Bacy, Plaintiff Attorney Alex Farias Sorrels (Verdict), Defense Attorney Arthur White III, Defense Attorney Brian Coyne, Defense Attorney Carl Moore, Defense Attorney Patrick Ngwolo, Defense Attorney Dionne Press, Prosecutor Eddy Tecle (Civil Commitment), Defense Attorney Fred Dahr, Defense Attorney Gogo Owor, Defense Attorney Jamika Wester, Public Defender Jasmine Yancey, Defense Attorney Julio Vela, Defense Attorney Kate Welch, Defense Attorney Marcos Adrogue, Defense Attorney Mark Thiessen, Defense Attorney Martina Longoria, Defense Attorney Matt Leeper, Defense Attorney Murray Newman, Plaintiff Attorney Randy Sorrels (Verdict), Defense Attorney Ryan Fremuth, Defense Attorney Samuel Milledge III, Defense Attorney Sean Payne, Defense Attorney Shannon Davis, Defense Attorney Thuy Le, Defense Attorney Trinidad Zamora III, Public Defender Vafa Jasemi Zergani, Defense Attorney Val Zuniga

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ShowMeTheJustice – October 25, 2021

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Defense Attorney Abbie Russell, Public Defender Ana Funes Baker (In Trial Dismissal), Prosecutor Brett Batchelor (Verdict), Defense Attorney Carl Moore, Defense Attorney Patrick Ngwolo, Defense Attorney Cory Roth, Prosecutor Danielle Oxford (Verdict), Defense Attorney David Lee, Defense Attorney Eugene Tausk, Defense Attorney Grant Hardeway, Defense Attorney Jessica Reed, Defense Attorney Jimmy Ortiz Jr, Defense Attorney Joe Vinas, Defense Attorney Josh Stephens (Verdict), Defense Attorney Justin Harris, Defense Attorney Kimberly McTorry, Defense Attorney Martina Longoria, Prosecutor Moniqua Scott (Verdict), Defense Attorney Neal Davis, Defense Attorney Neha Dubey, Defense Attorney Omar Saman, Defense Attorney Samuel Cammack III, Defense Attorney Sara Davis, Public Defender Sara Smitherman, Defense Attorney Staci Biggar, Defense Attorney Stephanie Morales, Defense Attorney Stephen St. Martin, Defense Attorney Thomas Johnson, Defense Attorney Todd Leffler, Defense Attorney William McLellan

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ShowMeTheJustice – October 22, 2021

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Defense Attorney Andrew Smith, Defense Attorney Austen Hobbs, Defense Attorney Beth Exley, Defense Attorney Brennen Dunn, Defense Attorney Brian LaVine, Defense Attorney Casey Garrett, Defense Attorney Charles Guidry (Verdict), Defense Attorney Cheryl Irvin, Defense Attorney David Rushing (Verdict), Defense Attorney Ed McClees, Defense Attorney Eddie Cortes (Verdict), Defense Attorney Hans Nielsen, Prosecutor Heather Axline (Verdict), Defense Attorney Israel Santana, Defense Attorney Jeremy Axel, Defense Attorney Jill Hawkins, Defense Attorney John Clark (Verdict), Defense Attorney Juanita Jackson, Defense Attorney Judy Mingledorff (Verdict), Defense Attorney Lydia Clay Jackson, Defense Attorney Mac Miller, Defense Attorney Mark Thiessen (Verdict), Defense Attorney Matt DeLuca, Defense Attorney Matthew Sharp, Defense Attorney Maverick Ray, Defense Attorney Michael Edwards II, Defense Attorney Penny Wymyczak White, Prosecutor Preston Burns (Verdict), Defense Attorney Ray Vazquez, Defense Attorney Ronnie Yeates, Defense Attorney Sierra Tabone, Defense Attorney Tommy Mingledorff (Verdict), Defense Attorney Tyler Flood, Defense Attorney Wilford Anderson

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ShowMeTheJustice – October 21, 2021

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Defense Attorney Adam Muldrow, Defense Attorney Andrew Taylor, Public Defender Ashley Guice, Defense Attorney Brennen Dunn, Prosecutor Dave Brucker (Verdict), Defense Attorney David Kiatta, Defense Attorney Doug Murphy, Defense Attorney Francisco Fernandez (In Trial Dismissal), Defense Attorney Jack Carroll, Defense Attorney James Reed, Defense Attorney Jeanie Ortiz, Defense Attorney Jimmy Ortiz Jr, Defense Attorney Jorge Cantu, Defense Attorney Lee McMillian, Defense Attorney Martina Longoria, Defense Attorney Maritza Antu, Defense Attorney Matt Alford, Defense Attorney Mike Monks, Defense Attorney Mike Trent, Prosecutor Natalia Leon (Verdict), Defense Attorney Paul Looney, Prosecutor Rachel Guffy (In Trial Plea), Defense Attorney Renee Thomason, Defense Attorney Rudy Vasquez, Defense Attorney Samuel Gardner, Defense Attorney Sean Buckley, Defense Attorney Sylvia Escobedo, Defense Attorney Vik Vij, Prosecutor Will Orr (Verdict), Defense Attorney William McLellan

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ShowMeTheJustice – October 20, 2021

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Defense Attorney Alejandro Macias, Defense Attorney Alli Cannon, Public Defender Ana Funes Baker, Defense Attorney Brandon Strauss, Public Defender Brandy Gum, Defense Attorney Brenda DeRouen, Defense Attorney Bret Kisluk, Defense Attorney Charles Brown, Public Defender Colin Amann, Defense Attorney David Runcie, Defense Attorney James McCalla, Defense Attorney James Stafford, Defense Attorney Justin Fowles, Defense Attorney Kim Samman, Defense Attorney Matthew Gallagher, Defense Attorney Nathan Hennigan, Defense Attorney Neil Krugh, Defense Attorney Paria Rafiee, Defense Attorney Pat Kelley, Defense Attorney Paul Morgan, Defense Attorney Riddhi Desai, Defense Attorney Sam Adamo, Defense Attorney Tara Long Taylor, Public Defender Tolu Nelms, Defense Attorney Tyrone Moncriffe

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ShowMeTheJustice – October 19, 2021

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Defense Attorney Alia Moore, Defense Attorney Andreea Ionescu, Public Defender Ashley Guice, Defense Attorney Austen Hobbs, Defense Attorney Brennen Dunn (Verdict), Defense Attorney Carlos Rodriguez, Defense Attorney Eddie Cortes, Defense Attorney Edward Okwueze, Defense Attorney Equator Turner, Defense Attorney Hadee Khan, Prosecutor Jarrell Gibson (Verdict), Defense Attorney Ishmael Pink, Defense Attorney Jason Johnson, Defense Attorney Jim Mount, Defense Attorney Joe Garcia Jr, Defense Attorney Jose Ceja, Defense Attorney Julio Vela, Defense Attorney Justin Harris, Defense Attorney Keith Harris, Defense Attorney Lara Autrey (Verdict), Defense Attorney Lindsay Bauer, Defense Attorney Marco Sapien, Defense Attorney Matt Montes, Defense Attorney Myron Davis, Defense Attorney Owen Campbell, Defense Attorney Ray Vazquez, Defense Attorney Shreya Gulamali, Defense Attorney Thomas Nguyen

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ShowMeTheJustice – October 18, 2021

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Defense Attorney Andrew McGee, Defense Attorney Andrew Smith, Defense Attorney Antuan Johnson, Defense Attorney Asha Reddi, Defense Attorney Carl Moore, Defense Attorney Daniel Krause, Defense Attorney Danny Easterling, Public Defender Dulce Toledo, Defense Attorney Ike Okorafor, Defense Attorney Joe Vinas, Defense Attorney Joseph Ruiz, Defense Attorney Justin Keiter, Defense Attorney Leslie Legrand, Defense Attorney Lewis Thomas, Defense Attorney Lori Deangelo, Defense Attorney Mac Miller, Defense Attorney Marcos Adrogue, Prosecutor Mario Cicconetti (Verdict), Defense Attorney Michael Nguyen, Defense Attorney Patti Sedita, Defense Attorney Paul Looney, Defense Attorney Ronald Esposito, Defense Attorney Shannon Davis, Defense Attorney Sintia Solis, Defense Attorney Todd Ward, Defense Attorney Yoshawnda Parker

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ShowMeTheJustice – October 15, 2021

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Defense Attorney Andrew Taylor, Defense Attorney Anthony Segura, Defense Attorney Bernie Aldape, Defense Attorney Brian Burns, Defense Attorney Cary Higginbotham, Defense Attorney Charles Brodsky, Prosecutor Cristina Platter (Verdict), Defense Attorney Dan Krieger, Defense Attorney Greg Tsioros, Prosecutor Janna Oswald (Verdict), Public Defender Jannell Robles, Defense Attorney Jeanie Ortiz, Defense Attorney Joe Wells, Defense Attorney Juan Aguirre, Defense Attorney Juan Guerra, Defense Attorney Justin Keiter, Public Defender Kandice Horsey, Defense Attorney Lewis Thomas, Prosecutor Mary Grace Bullard (Verdict), Defense Attorney Maverick Ray, Defense Attorney Nathan Hennigan, Prosecutor Nick Toups (Verdict), Public Defender Patrick Lara, Defense Attorney Penny Wymyczak White, Defense Attorney Sean Darvishi, Defense Attorney Todd Dupont, Defense Attorney Travis Eaton, Defense Attorney Wayne Heller, Defense Attorney William McLellan

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ShowMeTheJustice – October 14, 2021

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Public Defender Allison Mathis, Public Defender Ana Funes Baker, Defense Attorney Anthony Osso Sr, Public Defender Ashley Guice, Defense Attorney Brennen Dunn (Verdict), Defense Attorney Dwayne Simpson, Defense Attorney Emily Shelton, Defense Attorney Fred Dahr, Defense Attorney Gino Mesa, Defense Attorney Grant Hardeway, Defense Attorney Henry Nguyen, Defense Attorney James Rivera, Defense Attorney Jimmy Ortiz Jr, Defense Attorney Joaquin Jimenez, Defense Attorney John Petruzzi, Public Defender Kim Cleary, Defense Attorney Kimberly McTorry, Public Defender Larry Williams, Defense Attorney Leira Moreno Gracia, Prosecutor Matt Magill (Verdict), Defense Attorney Mike Trent, Defense Attorney Neal Davis III, Defense Attorney Robert Eutsler, Defense Attorney Sally Ring, Defense Attorney Tom Radosevich, Defense Attorney Tom Witek, Defense Attorney Tristan Legrande, Defense Attorney Vik Vij, Defense Attorney William Van Buren

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ShowMeTheJustice – October 13, 2021

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Public Defender Annie Marion, Defense Attorney Caprice Jackson, Prosecutor Chadwick Scott (Verdict), Defense Attorney Craig Stewart, Defense Attorney David Runcie, Defense Attorney Edward Turnbull, Defense Attorney Emily Detoto, Defense Attorney George Parnham, Defense Attorney Gilbert Villarreal, Defense Attorney Hans Nielsen, Defense Attorney Herschel Cashin, Defense Attorney Jerome Godinich, Defense Attorney Jon Stephenson, Defense Attorney Justin Fowles, Defense Attorney Kenneth Troost, Defense Attorney Maegen Bradley, Defense Attorney Mario Santos, Defense Attorney Martina Longoria, Defense Attorney Melissa Dickson, Prosecutor Michael Abner (Verdict), Defense Attorney Michael Matthews, Defense Attorney Shannon Drehner, Defense Attorney Silvia Pubchara, Defense Attorney Stacy Sederis, Defense Attorney Sylvia Escobedo, Defense Attorney Todd Ward

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Criminal Defense Attorney Jeff Ross


  • Trial Prosecutor – Harris County District Attorney’s Office Houston, Texas 1984
  • Chief Prosecutor – County Court at Law Number Five – Houston, Texas  1984-1985
  • Chief Prosecutor – Check Fraud Division  Houston, Texas  1986-1988
Jeff Ross
2016 Main, Suite 2517
Houston, Texas 77002

For Immediate Release: (October 8, 2023) According to the Harris County Criminal District Clerk’s website Mr. Ross has represented 3604 client cases in the county and district courts since he started his defense practice and 2081 of those cases have been dismissed – that is a 57% dismissal rate!

If you have a criminal case in Harris County, feel free to call Mr. Ross for a FREE no obligation telephone consultation!  He is available 8am – 5pm Monday-Sunday

As Chief Prosecutor of the Check Fraud Division Mr. Ross prosecuted over 5,000 people for theft by check.  During that time, he was awarded the “Crime Prevention Award” by the Houston Chamber of Commerce for his efforts in fighting and reducing the “hot check” problem in Houston.  He also assisted in passing legislation outlawing fake I.D.’s, conducted numerous sting operations to apprehend hot check writers, gave weekly seminars to merchants teaching them how to avoid receiving bad checks, and made numerous speeches to Texas citizens teaching them the hidden dangers of their checkbook. 

He worked closely with radio, T.V. and newspapers to publicize his campaign against hot check writers and he enlisted the services of area businesses to pay for hot check warning posters and educational brochures that were passed out to local merchants. 

Law Practice dedicated to Criminal Defense since 1988

     Mr. Ross has been in the private practice of law since 1988.   In that time, he has represented over 16,000 clients for criminal cases.  He has represented clients in all 16 Justice of the Peace Courts, all 16 county courts at law and 22 district courts.

Author-Good People, Bad Checks    (Walden House Publishing 1996)

  Mr. Ross used his experience as Chief Prosecutor of the Check Fraud division and his years of experience as a hot check defense attorney to write a book which reveals the “30 hidden dangers” in a checkbook that lands honest Texans in jail.  This book explains how joint accounts, automatic debits, direct deposits, hold checks, post-dated checks, stop payment checks, pre-signed checks, reserve accounts and more will land good people in jail for an accidentally bounced check.  His book is used by check management classes on how to properly manage a checkbook, by defense lawyers on how to fight a hot check charge and by prosecutors on how to prove a case.

Personal Facts

    Admitted to the Texas State Bar in 1983         

     Graduated from South Texas College of Law Houston – 1983

  • Top 13% of the class

  • Deans List

  • Three Amjur Awards for highest test score in the courses
  • Moot Court and Mock Trial competitions

     Graduated from University of Texas – Austin in 1979

  • Student Senator Natural Sciences
  • ZBT Fraternity – Vice President and Pledge Trainer
  • Bachelor of Arts Degree in Biology

    Graduated from Sharpstown High School in 1974

  •  Top 10% of the class

[su_heading size=”24″ margin=”0″]Jeff Ross Television Appearances 1986-1988 as Chief Prosecutor Check Fraud [/su_heading]

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[su_heading size=”24″ margin=”0″]Jeff Ross Newspaper Articles 1986-1988 as Chief Prosecutor Check Fraud [/su_heading]

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ShowMeTheJustice – October 12, 2021

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Defense Attorney Andreea Ionescu (Verdict), Defense Attorney Christian Capitaine, Defense Attorney David Lee, Defense Attorney Donale Evans, Defense Attorney Eddie Cortes, Public Defender Fabio Amador, Defense Attorney Harris Wood, Defense Attorney Janet Kleban, Defense Attorney Jim Butler, Defense Attorney Joe Garcia Jr, Defense Attorney Joe Hernandez, Defense Attorney Kimberly McTorry, Defense Attorney Kirk Oncken, Defense Attorney Mario Madrid, Defense Attorney Mark Thiessen, Defense Attorney Omar Saman, Defense Attorney Sally Ring, Defense Attorney Samuel Cammack, Defense Attorney Sina Zadeh, Defense Attorney Stephanie Morales, Defense Attorney Stephen Lekas, Defense Attorney Steven Greenlee, Defense Attorney Tiffany Hill, Defense Attorney Troy Locklear, Defense Attorney Tyler Flood (Verdict), Defense Attorney Tyrone Moncriffe, Defense Attorney Will Vaughn

Continue reading “ShowMeTheJustice – October 12, 2021”