The “Rosster” of Courtroom Winners – Week Ending June 23, 2023

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We had 12 LAWYERS complete 7 TRIALS this week at the Harris County Criminal Courthouse.  The results were 4 GUILTY VERDICTS, 1 NOT GUILTY VERDICT, 1 IN-TRIAL DISMISSAL and 1 IN-TRIAL PLEA.  7 TRIALS  are currently in progress.

Congratulations to the trial winners and to the 30 Lawyers below who won their case with a dismissal of charges!

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The “Rosster” of Courtroom Winners – Week Ending March 10, 2023

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We had 20 LAWYERS complete 15 TRIALS this week at the Harris County Criminal Courthouse.  The results were 5 GUILTY VERDICTS, 8 NOT GUILTY VERDICTS, 2 IN-TRIAL DISMISSALS and 1 HUNG JURY.   3 TRIALS  are currently in progress.

Congratulations to the trial winners and to the 40 Lawyers below who won their case with a dismissal of charges!

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The “Rosster” of Courtroom Winners – Week of November 14, 2022

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We had 13 SUCCESSFUL LAWYERS who participated in 8 TRIALS that resulted in 3 VERDICTS this week at the Harris County Criminal Courthouse – 2 Guilty Verdicts, 1 Not Guilty Verdict, 2 In Trial Dismissals and 3 In Trial Pleas

Congratulations to the Lawyers who won their trials and the 50 Lawyers below who won their case with a dismissal of charges!

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ShowMeTheJustice – May 11, 2022

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Show Me The Justice congratulates: Defense Attorney Aaron Bryant, Defense Attorney Andreea Ionescu, Defense Attorney Arthur White III, Public Defender Bukky Oyewuwo, Public Defender Christina Hoang, Defense Attorney Dan Simons, Defense Attorney David Ryan, Defense Attorney Donlee Smith, Defense Attorney Frederick Wilson, Defense Attorney James Reed III, Prosecutor Jamie Burro (Verdict), Prosecutor Jennifer Lawrence (Verdict), Defense Attorney Kevin Stryker, Defense Attorney Kurt Agomuo, Prosecutor Kyle Tucker (Verdict), Defense Attorney Lara Autrey, Prosecutor Marcus Wilson (Verdict), Defense Attorney Max Rabinovich, Defense Attorney Megan Bove, Defense Attorney Monique Sparks, Defense Attorney Neal Davis III, Defense Attorney Nireasha Murray, Defense Attorney Patty Segura, Defense Attorney Ron Johnson, Defense Attorney Russell Neumann, Defense Attorney Sara Davis, Defense Attorney Sina Zadeh, Defense Attorney Stephanie Martin, Defense Attorney Wade Smith

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ShowMeTheJustice – November 15, 2021

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Defense Attorney Asha Reddi, Public Defender Brandy Gum, Defense Attorney Brennen Dunn, Defense Attorney Brian Ayson, Defense Attorney Charles Brown, Defense Attorney Cheryl Chapell, Defense Attorney Dan Krieger, Defense Attorney David Kiatta, Defense Attorney David Runcie, Defense Attorney Debbie Hernandez, Defense Attorney George Murphy, Defense Attorney Hans Nielsen, Public Defender Ike Okorafor, Prosecutor Ivonne Escobar (Verdict), Prosecutor Jennifer Lawrence (Verdict), Defense Attorney Jose Ceja, Prosecutor Keaton Forcht (Verdict), Prosecutor Lauren Stanbery (Verdict), Defense Attorney Melissa Dickson, Prosecutor Nicci Campbell (Verdict), Defense Attorney Paige Lewis, Defense Attorney Patty Segura, Defense Attorney Riddhi Desai, Defense Attorney Romy Kaplan, Prosecutor Sarah Neyland (Verdict), Defense Attorney Sean McAlister, Defense Attorney Thomas Witek, Defense Attorney Todd Dupont, Defense Attorney Travis Bryan, Defense Attorney Warren Diepraam, Defense Attorney Wayne Heller

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ShowMeTheJustice – September 24, 2021


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[su_heading size=”30″ margin=”100″]Today’s ROSSTER of HIGHLIGHTED courtroom WINNERS are:[/su_heading]

Defense Attorney Aaron Saldana, Defense Attorney Aaron White, Defense Attorney Beth Exley, Defense Attorney Carmen Roe, Defense Attorney Cary Higginbotham, Defense Attorney Clyde Williams, Defense Attorney Dorian Cotlar, Defense Attorney Earl Musick, Defense Attorney Edward Casanova, Public Defender Erik Locascio, Defense Attorney Erinn Brown, Defense Attorney George Powell, Defense Attorney Gerald Yoakum, Defense Attorney Jacob Vela (Verdict), Defense Attorney Jeff Ludwig, Prosecutor Jennifer Lawrence (Verdict), Defense Attorney Keaton Kirkwood, Defense Attorney Kendra Vega, Defense Attorney Kevin Howard, Prosecutor Kim Nwabeke (Verdict), Defense Attorney Kimberly McTorry, Defense Attorney Lakisha Alomaja, Defense Attorney Megan Bove, Prosecutor Nancy Ta (Verdict), Prosecutor Robert Buss (Verdict), Defense Attorney Shreya Gulamali, Defense Attorney Steven Greenlee, Defense Attorney Susan Sample, Defense Attorney Tiffany Hill, Defense Attorney Todd Dupont (Verdict), Defense Attorney William Van Buren

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ShowMeTheJustice – June 15, 2021


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Defense Attorney Andres Fernandez, Defense Attorney Andrew Smith, Public Defender Brandy Gum, Defense Attorney Carlos Rodriguez, Defense Attorney Chad Dick, Defense Attorney Christian Capitaine, Defense Attorney Christopher Collings, Defense Attorney Daniel Krause, Prosecutor Danielle Oxford (Verdict), Defense Attorney David Breston, Defense Attorney David Cunningham, Public Defender Helen Simotas, Prosecutor Janna Oswald (Verdict), Defense Attorney Jason Johnson, Prosecutor Jennifer Lawrence (Verdict), Defense Attorney Jerome Godinich  Jr, Defense Attorney John Oronsaye, Public Defender Jorge Garcia, Defense Attorney Joseph DeFazio, Defense Attorney Juan Aguirre, Defense Atorney Lisa Shapiro Strauss, Public Defender Lori Gooch, Defense Attorney Louis Latimer, Defense Attorney Mike Monks, Prosecutor Nick Toups (Verdict), Defense Attorney Patty Segura, Defense Attorney Rishabh Godha, Defense Attorney Sally Ring, Defense Attorney Sean Darvishi (Verdict)

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ShowMeTheJustice – May 21, 2021


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Defense Attorney Arthur Washington, Defense Attorney Brennen Dunn, Defense Attorney Cheryl Brown, Public Defender Christopher Self, Defense Attorney Cordt Akers, Prosecutor Dae Kim, Defense Attorney Daniel Krause, Defense Attorney Darla McBride, Defense Attorney David Runcie, Prosecutor Jennifer Lawrence (Verdict), Defense Attorney Joe Garcia Jr, Defense Attorney Katie Wilson, Defense Attorney Kelly Benavides, Defense Attorney Mac Miller, Defense Attorney Markay Stroud, Defense Attorney Meahgan Dickerson, Defense Attorney Michael Antalan, Defense Attorney Nicole Deborde, Defense Attorney Ralph Manginello, Defense Attorney Randy Yates (Verdict), Defense Attorney Robert Griffin, Public Defender Roger Donley, Defense Attorney Stephanie Morales, Defense Attorney Stacey Bond (Verdict), Public Defender Stephen Touchstone, Defense Attorney Terrance Jewett, Defense Attorney Tyler Flood (Verdict), Defense Attorney Victor Porras, Defense Attorney William Calderon

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ShowMeTheJustice – April 8, 2021

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Defense Attorney Abbie Russell, Defense Attorney Adam Muldrow, Prosecutor Anthony Osso, Jr. (Verdict), Defense Attorney Brad Walters, Defense Attorney Bret Kisluk, Defense Attorney Cheryl Irvin, Defense Attorney Chris Gunter, Defense Attorney Edward Okwueze, Defense Attorney Equator Turner, Defense Attorney Ericon Garza, Defense Attorney Gary Patterson, Public Defender Hannah Herzog, Defense Attorney Inger Chandler, Defense Attorney Jack Carroll, Defense Attorney James Reed, Public Defender Jannell Robles, Prosecutor Jennifer Lawrence (Verdict), Defense Attorney Jessica Reed, Defense Attorney Joe Vinas, Defense Attorney Jolanda Jones, Defense Attorney Kim Abbey, Defense Attorney Leslie Legrand III, Defense Attorney Lonnie Knowles, Defense Attorney Maritza Antu, Defense Attorney Michelle Beck, Defense Attorney Myron Davis, Defense Attorney Natalie Still, Defense Attorney Philip Gommels, Defense Attorney Rigoberto Rodriguez, Defense Attorney Sally Ring, Defense Attorney Shannon Davis (Verdict), Defense Attorney Shreya Gulamali, Defense Attorney Stacey Bond, Defense Attorney Stacy Sederis, Defense Attorney Todd Dupont, Public Defender Tolu Nelms, Defense Attorney Tonya Rolland McLaughlin, Defense Attorney Tyler Flood (Verdict), Defense Attorney William Coby Dubose

along with: Defense Attorney Bayoji Akingbola, Defense Attorney Joe Bailey, Defense Attorney Thuy Le, Defense Attorney Tristan Legrande, Defense Attorney James Rubin, Defense Attorney Reid Walker

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ShowMeTheJustice – October 11, 2019

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FEATURING: Prosecutor Samantha Knecht, Prosecutor Kaylynn Williford, Prosecutor Lauren Bard, Defense Attorney Andre Ligon, Defense Attorney Ann Johnson, Defense Attorney Carl Moore, Defense Attorney Crystal Beverly, Defense Attorney D’Angelo Lowe, Defense Attorney David Rushing, Defense Attorney David Yoon-Lee, Defense Attorney Herman Martinez, Defense Attorney Jeanie Ortiz, Prosecutor Jennifer Lawrence, Defense Attorney Jordan Lewis, Defense Attorney Juanita Jackson, Defense Attorney Kenneth Cager, Defense Attorney Luci Davidson, Defense Attorney Marcos Adrogue, Prosecutor Mary Grace Bullard, Defense Attorney Mike Monks, Defense Attorney Mohamad Ghuneim, Defense Attorney Natalie Still, Defense Attorney Ralph Manginello, Prosecutor Sheila Hansel, Defense Attorney Susan Bishop, Defense Attorney Thomas Lewis, Defense Attorney Tiffany Hill, Defense Attorney Todd Dupont, Defense Attorney Val Zuniga, Prosecutor Valerie Turner, Defense Attorney Woodrow Dixon

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ShowMeTheJustice – September 23, 2019


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FEATURING: Defense Attorney Akilah Bacy, Defense Attorney Andre Ligon, Defense Attorney Beth Exley, Public Defender Betsy Martinez, Defense Attorney Brad Beers, Prosecutor Bradford Crockard, Defense Attorney Bryan Acklin, Defense Attorney Charles Brown, Defense Attorney Charles Thompson, Defense Attorney Eddrea McKnight, Public Defender Hensleigh Crowell, Prosecutor Jennifer Lawrence, Defense Attorney Jill Hawkins, Defense Attorney Joseph Gagliardi, Defense Attorney Ken Goode, Defense Attorney Larry Douglas, Defense Attorney Michael Turner, Defense Attorney Mike Monks, Defense Attorney Natalie Still, Defense Attorney Pat Kelley, Defense Attorney Patti Sedita, Prosecutor Shanice Newton, Defense Attorney Stacey Bond

Continue reading “ShowMeTheJustice – September 23, 2019”