ShowMeTheJustice – January 3, 2020

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FEATURED COURTROOM WINNERS:  Defense Attorney Kate Welch, Defense Attorney Marie Primm, Defense Attorney Mac Miller, Defense Attorney Angelica Chavez, Defense Attorney Omar Saman, Public Defender Ana Funes-Baker, Defense Attorney Israel Santana, Defense Attorney Jeanie Ortiz, Defense Attorney Doug Murphy, Defense Attorney Syed Imam, Defense Attorney Keith Larson, Defense Attorney Fred Dahr, Defense Attorney Paul Doyle, Defense Attorney Woodrow Dixon, Defense Attorney Patti Sedita, Defense Attorney Spence Graham, Defense Attorney Jonathan Gluckman, Defense Attorney Bill Exley, Defense Attorney Michael Slider, Defense Attorney Martina Longoria, Defense Attorney Kent Schaffer, Defense Attorney Todd Dupont, Defense Attorney Joseph Gagliardi, Defense Attorney Wayne Heller, Defense Attorney Jimmy Ortiz, Public Defender Betsy Martinez

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ShowMeTheJustice – December 13, 2019

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FEATURING:   Defense Attorney Austen Hobbs, Defense Attorney Brad Runcie (Verdict), Defense Attorney Brennen Dunn, Defense Attorney Bret Kisluk, Defense Attorney Brian Ayson (Verdict), Public Defender Bukky Oyewuwo, Defense Attorney Casey Garrett, Defense Attorney Charles Brodsky, Defense Attorney Jennifer Carpenter, Defense Attorney Jerry Guerinot, Defense Attorney Jimmy Ortiz, Defense Attorney John Petruzzi, Defense Attorney Juanita Jackson, Defense Attorney Kim Abbey, Defense Attorney Lori Deangelo, Defense Attorney Mark Mitchell, Defense Attorney  Mary Nan Huffman, Defense Attorney Matt Hennessey, Defense Attorney Michael Mercer, Defense Attorney Michael Russo, Defense Attorney Nathaniel Munier, Defense Attorney Nathaniel Pitoniak, Defense Attorney Russell Webb (Verdict), Defense Attorney Sara Roque (Verdict), Defense Attorney Skip Cornelius, Defense Attorney Staci Biggar, Defense Attorney Tucker Graves

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ShowMeTheJustice – September 30, 2019

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FEATURING: Defense Attorney Akilah Bacy, Defense Attorney Brock White, Defense Attorney Charles Brodsky, Defense Attorney Dan Richardson, Defense Attorney Greg Tsioros, Defense Attorney Israel Santana, Public Defender Jackie Carpenter, Defense Attorney Jayson Booth, Defense Attorney Jimmy Ortiz, Defense Attorney Julio Vela, Defense Attorney Kirby Taylor, Defense Attorney Maverick Ray, Defense Attorney Mike Monks, Defense Attorney Nathan Hennigan, Defense Attorney Patricia Allen, Defense Attorney Renee Thomason, Defense Attorney Shawnda Parker,  Prosecutor Simone Colson, Defense Attorney Thalia Dubose, Defense Attorney Tyler Flood

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ShowMeTheJustice – September 10, 2019

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FEATURING:  Defense Attorney Andrew Martin, Defense Attorney Ann Johnson, Defense Attorney Bernardo Aldape, Public Defender Bukky Oyewuwo, Defense Attorney Casey Keirnan, Defense Attorney Dustan Neyland, Public Defender Jackie Carpenter, Prosecutor James Murphy, Defense Attorney Jeanie Ortiz, Defense Attorney Jim Butler, Defense Attorney Jimmy Ortiz, Defense Attorney Mark Thiessen, Defense Attorney Matt Alford, Defense Attorney Mekisha Walker, Defense Attorney Nicole Hochglaube, Defense Attorney Ray Vazquez, Defense Attorney Renee Thomason

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ShowMeTheJustice – October 11, 2018

Show Me The Justice - Jeff Ross

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 [su_frame]Will Cowardin[/su_frame]



Congratulations to Prosecutor Will Cowardin for a Guilty Verdict in Cause Number 1524524 out of the 177th Criminal District Court for the offense of Directing Activities of a Street Gang – Sentence: 60 Years in Prison (Presiding Judge: Leslie Yates) with co-counsel Sherin Daniel

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ShowMeTheJustice – October 8, 2018

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 [su_frame]Veronica Sanders[/su_frame]


Congratulations to Prosecutor Veronica Sanders for a Guilty Verdict in Cause Number 2169313 out of County Criminal Court at Law Number 16 for the offense of Indecent Exposure – Sentence:  1 Year Probation and 30 Days in Jail as a Condition (Presiding Judge: Darrell Jordan)

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