The “Rosster” of Criminal Courtroom Winners – Week Ending March 1, 2023

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We had 19 LAWYERS complete 11 TRIALS this week at the Harris County Criminal Courthouse.  The results were 5 GUILTY VERDICTS,  4 NOT GUILTY VERDICTS,  1 IN TRIAL DISMISSAL and 1 IN TRIAL PLEA.   6 TRIALS are currently in progress.

Congratulations to the trial winners and to the 33 Lawyers below who won their case with a dismissal of charges!

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The “Rosster” of Courtroom Winners – Week Ending March 17, 2023

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Spring Break Week – We had 11 LAWYERS complete 9 TRIALS this week at the Harris County Criminal Courthouse.  The results were 5 GUILTY VERDICTS, 2 NOT GUILTY VERDICTS, 1 IN-TRIAL PLEA and 1 MISTRIAL.   1 TRIAL  is currently in progress.

Congratulations to the trial winners and to the 41 Lawyers below who won their case with a dismissal of charges!

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ShowMeTheJustice – September 24, 2021


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[su_heading size=”30″ margin=”100″]Today’s ROSSTER of HIGHLIGHTED courtroom WINNERS are:[/su_heading]

Defense Attorney Aaron Saldana, Defense Attorney Aaron White, Defense Attorney Beth Exley, Defense Attorney Carmen Roe, Defense Attorney Cary Higginbotham, Defense Attorney Clyde Williams, Defense Attorney Dorian Cotlar, Defense Attorney Earl Musick, Defense Attorney Edward Casanova, Public Defender Erik Locascio, Defense Attorney Erinn Brown, Defense Attorney George Powell, Defense Attorney Gerald Yoakum, Defense Attorney Jacob Vela (Verdict), Defense Attorney Jeff Ludwig, Prosecutor Jennifer Lawrence (Verdict), Defense Attorney Keaton Kirkwood, Defense Attorney Kendra Vega, Defense Attorney Kevin Howard, Prosecutor Kim Nwabeke (Verdict), Defense Attorney Kimberly McTorry, Defense Attorney Lakisha Alomaja, Defense Attorney Megan Bove, Prosecutor Nancy Ta (Verdict), Prosecutor Robert Buss (Verdict), Defense Attorney Shreya Gulamali, Defense Attorney Steven Greenlee, Defense Attorney Susan Sample, Defense Attorney Tiffany Hill, Defense Attorney Todd Dupont (Verdict), Defense Attorney William Van Buren

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ShowMeTheJustice – August 12, 2021


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[su_heading size=”30″ margin=”100″]Today’s ROSSTER of courtroom WINNERS are:[/su_heading]

Defense Attorney Andreea Ionescu, Defense Attorney Beverly Caruthers, Defense Attorney Chris Denuna, Prosecutor Chris Handley (Verdict), Public Defender Christopher Self, Defense Attorney Collin Evans, Defense Attorney Edwin Reyes, Defense Attorney Gary Miller, Defense Attorney George Napier, Defense Attorney George Tennant Jr, Prosecutor Janna Oswald (Verdict), Public Defender Jannell Robles, Defense Attorney Juanita Jackson, Defense Attorney Kelly Benavides, Defense Attorney Kevin Stryker, Prosecutor Kim Nwabeke (Verdict), Defense Attorney Kimberly McTorry, Defense Attorney Lanease Dickens-Fuller, Defense Attorney Martina Longoria, Public Defender Mauricio Vazquez, Defense Attorney Michael Antalan, Defense Attorney Mike Sardari, Defense Attorney Nathaniel Tarlow (Verdict), Defense Attorney Peyton Peebles, Defense Attorney Renee Thomason, Public Defender Shernetta Hollins, Defense Attorney Sintia Solis, Defense Attorney William Calderon

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ShowMeTheJustice – July 26, 2021


[su_divider top=”no” divider_color=”#130fs0f” size=”2″]

[su_heading size=”30″ margin=”100″]Today’s ROSSTER of courtroom WINNERS are:[/su_heading]

Defense Attorney Alli Cannon, Prosecutor Amanda Nicodem (Verdict), Defense Attorney Brad Walters, Defense Attorney Brock White, Defense Attorney Cheryl Irvin, Defense Attorney Debbie Hernandez, Defense Attorney Elton Lockings, Defense Attorney Jack Carroll, Defense Attorney Javier Martinez, Defense Attorney Jessica Reed, Defense Attorney Jim Butler, Defense Attorney Joe Vinas, Defense Attorney Justin Harris, Defense Attorney Kate Ferrell, Prosecutor Kim Nwabeke (Verdict), Defense Attorney Martina Longoria, Defense Attorney Matt Mahoney, Defense Attorney Michael Moore, Defense Attorney Mike Monks, Defense Attorney Noel Bailey, Prosecutor Patty Fernandez (Hung Jury Plea), Defense Attorney Ray Vazquez, Defense Attorney Shannon Davis, Defense Attorney Shreya Gulamali, Defense Attorney Thomas Witek, Jr, Defense Attorney Victor Porras, Defense Attorney Zack Fertitta

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