The “Rosster” of Criminal Courtroom Winners – Week Ending October 4, 2024

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We had 22 LAWYERS complete 13 TRIALS this week at the Harris County Criminal Courthouse.  The results were 10 GUILTY VERDICTS, 2 NOT GUILTY VERDICTS and 2 IN-TRIAL DISMISSALS..   

Congratulations to the trial winners and to the 37 Lawyers below who won their case with a dismissal of charges!

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The “Rosster” of Courtroom Winners – Week Ending January 19, 2024

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We had 4 LAWYERS complete 3 TRIALS this week at the Harris County Criminal Courthouse.  The results were 3 GUILTY VERDICTS.   7 TRIALS are currently in progress.

Congratulations to the trial winners and to the 34 Lawyers below who won their case with a dismissal of charges!

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The “Rosster” of Courtroom Winners – Week Ending December 1, 2023

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We had 9 LAWYERS complete 7 TRIALS this week at the Harris County Criminal Courthouse.  The results were 4 GUILTY VERDICTS, 2 NOT GUILTY VERDICTS, and 1 IN TRIAL PLEA.   9 TRIALS are currently in progress.

Congratulations to the trial winners and to the 45 Lawyers below who won their case with a dismissal of charges!

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The “Rosster” of Courtroom Winners – Week Ending October 13, 2023

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We had 8 LAWYERS complete 6 TRIALS this week at the Harris County Criminal Courthouse.  The results were 3 GUILTY VERDICTS, 2 NOT GUILTY VERDICTS and 1 IN TRIAL PLEA.  5 TRIALS are currently in progress.

Congratulations to the trial winners and to the 31 Lawyers below who won their case with a dismissal of charges!

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ShowMeTheJustice – June 9, 2022

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Show Me The Justice congratulates: Public Defender Andres Fernandez, Defense Attorney Bill Exley, Defense Attorney Brock White, Defense Attorney Collin Evans, Defense Attorney Courtney Rosen, Defense Attorney Cruz Cervantes, Prosecutor Dana Nazarova (Verdict), Defense Attorney Danny Easterling, Defense Attorney Eileen Guerinot, Prosecutor Gilbert Sawtelle (Verdict), Defense Attorney Hector Chavana (Verdict), Defense Attorney Jacob Vela, Defense Attorney Jennifer Jenkins, Defense Attorney Jorge Cantu, Public Defender Jorge Garcia, Defense Attorney Kent Schaffer, Defense Attorney Kristi Miranda, Defense Attorney Lott Brooks, Defense Attorney Lucio Montes, Defense Attorney Marcus Fleming, Defense Attorney Michael Antalan, Defense Attorney Michael Turner, Defense Attorney Nathan Hennigan, Defense Attorney Patti Sedita, Defense Attorney Rahan Atia, Defense Attorney Ricardo Loredo, Defense Attorney Sara Roque, Defense Attorney Sean McAlister

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ShowMeTheJustice – December 2, 2021

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Show Me The Justice congratulates: Public Defender Annie Marion, Defense Attorney Anthony Smith, Defense Attorney Brian Benken, Defense Attorney Cheryl Irvin, Defense Attorney Christian Capitaine (In Trial Dismissal), Defense Attorney Cordt Akers, Defense Attorney Cory Roth, Defense Attorney Danny Werlinger, Defense Attorney Doug Murphy (Verdict), Defense Attorney Drew Prisner, Defense Attorney Elissa McBroom, Defense Attorney Erik Nelson, Defense Attorney Frank Yeverino, Defense Attorney Gilbert Villarreal, Defense Attorney Haroen Calehr, Public Defender Jackie Carpenter, Defense Attorney Jose Ceja, Defense Attorney Joshua Normand, Defense Attorney Kristi Miranda, Defense Attorney Mario Madrid, Defense Attorney Mark Lipkin, Defense Attorney Renee Thomason, Defense Attorney Ryan Fremuth, Defense Attorney Stephanie Morales, Defense Attorney Tim Ballengee, Defense Attorney Waverly Nolley, Defense Attorney Woodrow Dixon

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ShowMeTheJustice – July 21, 2021


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[su_heading size=”30″ margin=”100″]Today’s ROSSTER of courtroom WINNERS are:[/su_heading]

Defense Attorney Beth Exley, Defense Attorney Chip Lewis, Defense Attorney Daniel Krause, Defense Attorney Danny Werlinger, Defense Attorney Elissa McBroom, Defense Attorney Erik Smith, Defense Attorney Gerald Francis, Defense Attorney Hans Nielsen, Defense Attorney Harris Wood Jr, Defense Attorney Jay Cohen, Defense Attorney Jill Lansden, Defense Attorney Joel Balderas, Defense Attorney John Dixon, Defense Attorney Jon Stephenson, Defense Attorney Kristi Miranda, Defense Attorney Malcolm Dishongh, Defense Attorney Mark Lipkin, Defense Attorney Maverick Ray, Defense Attorney Nathan Hennigan, Defense Attorney Stephanie Morales, Defense Attorney Stephen St. Martin, Defense Attorney Trinidad Zamora III, Defense Attorney Tyler Flood, Defense Attorney Woodrow Dixon

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ShowMeTheJustice – January 25, 2021

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FEATURED COURTROOM WINNERS:   Defense Attorney Adam Muldrow,  Public Defender Amanda Koons, Public Defender Ashley Guice, Defense Attorney Brennen Dunn, Defense Attorney Carl Moore, Defense Attorney Catherine Evans, Defense Attorney Charles Banker, Defense Attorney Cheryl Brown, Defense Attorney Cynthia Henley, Public Defender Damaris Betancourt, Public Defender Damon Parrish II, Defense Attorney Dan Richardson, Defense Attorney Danny Werlinger, Defense Attorney Derrick Saulsberry, Defense Attorney Doug Murphy, Defense Attorney Eddrea McKnight, Defense Attorney Edward Okwueze, Defense Attorney Eileen Guerinot, Defense Attorney Emily Shelton, Defense Attorney Feroz Merchant, Defense Attorney George Reul, Defense Attorney Grant Scheiner, Public Defender Hannah Frank, Defense Attorney Janet Kleban, Public Defender Jasmine Yancey, Defense Attorney Jill Lansden, Defense Attorney Joe Garcia, Defense Attorney John Petruzzi, Defense Attorney Jorge Cantu, Defense Attorney Josh Stephens, Defense Attorney Justin Keiter, Defense Attorney Kenneth McCoy, Defense Attorney Kenneth Mitchell, Defense Attorney Korey Huff, Defense Attorney Kristi Miranda, Defense Attorney Lennon Prince, Defense Attorney Lori Botello Christenson, Defense Attorney Marcos Adrogue, Defense Attorney Mario Santos, Defense Attorney Mark Thering, Defense Attorney Maverick Ray, Defense Attorney Mekisha Walker, Defense Attorney Michael Slider, Defense Attorney Shannon Davis, Defense Attorney Spence Graham, Defense Attorney Stephanie Morales

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ShowMeTheJustice – August 29, 2020

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FEATURED COURTROOM WINNERS:   Defense Attorney Alexis Bruegger, Defense Attorney Bill Exley, Defense Attorney Brent Mayr, Defense Attorney Chelsi Hall, Defense Attorney Dan Simons, Defense Attorney Dorian Cotlar, Defense Attorney Herman Martinez, Defense Attorney Israel Santana, Defense Attorney Jim Medley, Defense Attorney Jimmy Ortiz, Defense Attorney Jon Stephenson, Defense Attorney Joseph Kelly, Public Defender Kenneth Hardin, Defense Attorney Kenneth McCoy, Defense Attorney Kevin Acevedo, Defense Attorney Kevin Stryker, Defense Attorney Kristi Miranda, Defense Attorney Lott Brooks, Defense Attorney Michael Mercer, Defense Attorney Michael Nassif, Defense Attorney Owen Campbell, Defense Attorney Paria Rafiee, Defense Attorney Patricia Cantu, Defense Attorney Stephen Ligon

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ShowMeTheJustice – July 24, 2020

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FEATURED COURTROOM WINNERS:   Public Defender Amanda Koons, Defense Attorney Brian Roberts, Defense Attorney Cameron Dellis, Defense Attorney Charles Brown, Defense Attorney Cheryl Chapell, Defense Attorney Dorian Cotlar, Public Defender Damon Parrish, Defense Attorney Erica Leggington, Defense Attorney Hans Nielsen, Defense Attorney Herman Martinez, Defense Attorney Jason Yancey, Defense Attorney Jay Dedrick, Defense Attorney Joe Wells, Defense Attorney Korey Huff, Defense Attorney Kristi Miranda, Defense Attorney Lori Botello Christenson, Defense Attorney Lott Brooks, Defense Attorney Melissa DIckson, Defense Attorney Paul Doyle, Defense Attorney Paul Nugent, Defense Attorney Samuel Gardner, Defense Attorney Spence Graham, Defense Attorney Thomas Ross, Defense Attorney Tyler Flood

Continue reading “ShowMeTheJustice – July 24, 2020”