The “Rosster” of Criminal Courtroom Winners – Week Ending December 13, 2024

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We had 24 LAWYERS complete 17 TRIALS this week at the Harris County Criminal Courthouse.  The results – 8 GUILTY VERDICTS, 6 NOT GUILTY VERDICTS, 2 IN-TRIAL PLEAS, 1 IN-TRIAL DISMISSAL and 1 HUNG JURY.    We still have 8 TRIALS IN PROGRESS

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The “Rosster” of Criminal Courtroom Winners – Week Ending August 2, 2024

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We had 11 LAWYERS complete 8 TRIALS this week at the Harris County Criminal Courthouse.  The results were 2 GUILTY VERDICTS, 5 NOT GUILTY VERDICTS,  1 IN-TRIAL DISMISSAL and 1 HUNG JURY.

Congratulations to the trial winners and to the 35 Lawyers below who won their case with a dismissal of charges!

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The “Rosster” of Criminal Courtroom Winners – Weeks Ending July 5, 2024 and July 12, 2024

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We had 8 LAWYERS complete 5 TRIALS last week (Hurricane Beryl shortened week) and the week before (July 4th holiday shortened week) at the Harris County Criminal Courthouse.  The results were 5 GUILTY VERDICTS and 1 NOT GUILTY VERDICT..

Congratulations to the trial winners and to the 26 Lawyers below who won their case with a dismissal of charges!

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The “Rosster” of Criminal Courtroom Winners – Week Ending May 10, 2024

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We had 14 LAWYERS complete 12 TRIALS this week at the Harris County Criminal Courthouse.  The results were 8 GUILTY VERDICTS, 3 NOT GUILTY VERDICTS, 1 IN-TRIAL PLEA.  We also had 1 HUNG JURY.   5 TRIALS are currently in progress.

Congratulations to the trial winners and to the 37 Lawyers below who won their case with a dismissal of charges!

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The “Rosster” of Courtroom Winners – Week of December 5, 2022

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We had 13 SUCCESSFUL LAWYERS who participated in 7 TRIALS that resulted in 6 VERDICTS this week at the Harris County Criminal Courthouse – 5 Guilty Verdicts, 1 Not Guilty Verdict and 1 In Trial Plea + (2 Mistrials)

Congratulations to the Lawyers who won their trials and the 50 Lawyers below who won their case with a dismissal of charges!

[su_heading size=”37″ margin=”100″]TRIAL VERDICTS[/su_heading]

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ShowMeTheJustice – February 21, 2022

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Show Me The Justice congratulates: Defense Attorney Brennen Dunn, Defense Attorney Brock White, Defense Attorney Casey Garrett, Defense Attorney Chabli Hall, Defense Attorney Charles Ganz, Defense Attorney Darla McBride, Defense Attorney David Breston, Defense Attorney Equator Turner, Defense Attorney Eric Benavides, Defense Attorney Erik Smith, Defense Attorney Harris Wood Jr, Defense Attorney John Luong, Defense Attorney Jose Rodriguez, Prosecutor Joseph Frank (In Trial Plea), Defense Attorney Julio Vela, Defense Attorney Kevin Howard, Defense Attorney Matt DeLuca, Defense Attorney Matt Mahoney (Verdict), Defense Attorney Melissa Dickson, Defense Attorney Peter Justin, Defense Attorney Robyn Brown, Defense Attorney Scott Bernstein, Defense Attorney Sebastian Lanz, Defense Attorney Shannon Drehner, Defense Attorney Timberly Davis, Defense Attorney Wayne Heller, Defense Attorney Woodrow Dixon

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ShowMeTheJustice – February 9, 2022

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Show Me The Justice congratulates: Defense Attorney Anthony Limitone, Defense Attorney Armen Merjanian (In Trial Dismissal), Defense Attorney David Nachtigall, Defense Attorney David Yoon Lee, Defense Attorney Enrique Ramirez, Defense Attorney Eric Benavides, Defense Attorney Greg Gladden, Defense Attorney JaPaula Kemp, Defense Attorney Jim Medley, Defense Attorney John LaGrappe, Defense Attorney Jonathan Parchman, Defense Attorney Kate Ferrell, Prosecutor Katlin Robinson (Verdict), Defense Attorney Kimberly Bruno, Defense Attorney Lindsay Bauer, Defense Attorney Lucio Montes, Defense Attorney Mark Rubal, Defense Attorney Matt DeLuca, Defense Attorney Mekisha Walker, Defense Attorney Meredith Morse,  Defense Attorney Paria Rafiee, Prosecutor Patty Fernandez (In Trial Plea), Defense Attorney Paula Goodhart, Defense Attorney Sara Roque, Defense Attorney Scott Siscoe, Defense Attorney Sean Darvishi, Defense Attorney Steven Goins (Verdict), Defense Attorney Thalia Dubose, Defense Attorney Tyler Flood

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ShowMeTheJustice – December 17, 2021

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Show Me The Justice congratulates: Defense Attorney Adam Muldrow, Defense Attorney Brian Benken, Prosecutor Brianna Herman (Verdict), Defense Attorney David Rushing, Defense Attorney Doug Murphy, Defense Attorney Equator Turner, Public Defender Jasmine Yancey, Defense Attorney Jeff Sims, Defense Attorney John Dixon, Defense Attorney Juan Guerra, Defense Attorney Justin Keiter, Defense Attorney Kelly Benavides, Defense Attorney Kevin Howard, Defense Attorney Khalil Saman, Public Defender Kim Cleary, Defense Attorney Lourdes Rodriguez, Defense Attorney Mac Miller, Defense Attorney Matt DeLuca (Verdict), Defense Attorney Matt Horak, Public Defender Mona Kermani, Defense Attorney Ricardo Perazza, Public Defender Saif Kazim, Defense Attorney Stephanie Martin, Defense Attorney Steven Greenlee, Defense Attorney Tucker Graves, Defense Attorney Tyler Flood (Verdict), Public Defender Victoria Erfesoglou, Defense Attorney Will Vaughn

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ShowMeTheJustice – December 7, 2021

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Show Me The Justice congratulates: Defense Attorney Adam Brown, Defense Attorney Arthur Sims, Defense Attorney Brett Landriault, Defense Attorney Brian Ayson, Defense Attorney Brian Coyne, Defense Attorney Brian Roberts, Public Defender Bukky Oyewuwo, Defense Attorney Cary Higginbotham, Defense Attorney Cheryl Brown, Defense Attorney Connie Williams, Defense Attorney Equator Turner, Defense Attorney Inger Chandler, Defense Attorney Israel Santana, Defense Attorney Jessica Padilla Needham, Defense Attorney Juan Guerra Jr, Defense Attorney Lloyd Oliver, Defense Attorney Martina Longoria, Defense Attorney Matt DeLuca (In Trial Dismissal), Defense Attorney Matthew Sharp, Defense Attorney Meredith Morse, Defense Attorney Michelle Beck, Defense Attorney Mike Monks (Verdict), Defense Attorney Nneka Akubeze, Prosecutor Ryan Trask (Verdict),  Prosecutor Sarah Seeley (Verdict), Defense Attorney Stacey Morgan, Defense Attorney Thomas Martin, Defense Attorney Tyler Flood (In Trial Dismissal), Public Defender Victoria Erfesoglou, Defense Attorney Woodrow Dixon

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ShowMeTheJustice – November 18, 2021

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Show Me The Justice congratulates:  Public Defender Ben Friedman, Prosecutor Brett Batchelor (Verdict), Defense Attorney Brandon Strauss, Defense Attorney Byron Watson, Prosecutor Danielle Oxford (Verdict), Defense Attorney Equator Turner, Defense Attorney Herman Martinez, Defense Attorney Inger Chandler, Defense Attorney Janet Kleban, Defense Attorney Jimmy Ortiz Jr, Defense Attorney Joe Wells, Defense Attorney Kevin Stryker, Defense Attorney Kimberly McTorry, Defense Attorney Maite Sample, Defense Attorney Matt DeLuca, Defense Attorney Matt Tyson, Defense Attorney Michael Slider, Defense Attorney Monique Sparks, Defense Attorney Norman Silverman, Defense Attorney Ricardo Gonzalez, Defense Attorney Sara Roque, Defense Attorney Stacey Morgan, Defense Attorney Stacy Sederis, Defense Attorney Thomas Johnson, Defense Attorney Todd Dupont, Defense Attorney Todd Overstreet, Defense Attorney Vik Vij

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ShowMeTheJustice – October 22, 2021

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Defense Attorney Andrew Smith, Defense Attorney Austen Hobbs, Defense Attorney Beth Exley, Defense Attorney Brennen Dunn, Defense Attorney Brian LaVine, Defense Attorney Casey Garrett, Defense Attorney Charles Guidry (Verdict), Defense Attorney Cheryl Irvin, Defense Attorney David Rushing (Verdict), Defense Attorney Ed McClees, Defense Attorney Eddie Cortes (Verdict), Defense Attorney Hans Nielsen, Prosecutor Heather Axline (Verdict), Defense Attorney Israel Santana, Defense Attorney Jeremy Axel, Defense Attorney Jill Hawkins, Defense Attorney John Clark (Verdict), Defense Attorney Juanita Jackson, Defense Attorney Judy Mingledorff (Verdict), Defense Attorney Lydia Clay Jackson, Defense Attorney Mac Miller, Defense Attorney Mark Thiessen (Verdict), Defense Attorney Matt DeLuca, Defense Attorney Matthew Sharp, Defense Attorney Maverick Ray, Defense Attorney Michael Edwards II, Defense Attorney Penny Wymyczak White, Prosecutor Preston Burns (Verdict), Defense Attorney Ray Vazquez, Defense Attorney Ronnie Yeates, Defense Attorney Sierra Tabone, Defense Attorney Tommy Mingledorff (Verdict), Defense Attorney Tyler Flood, Defense Attorney Wilford Anderson

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ShowMeTheJustice – August 23, 2021


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[su_heading size=”30″ margin=”100″]Today’s ROSSTER of courtroom WINNERS are:[/su_heading]

Defense Attorney Aimee Bolletino, Defense Attorney Alejandro Macias, Defense Attorney Anthony Muharib (Verdict), Defense Attorney Frank Stambaugh, Defense Attorney Frederick Kelly, Defense Attorney Jesus Estrada, Defense Attorney Joe Hernandez, Defense Attorney Julio Vela, Defense Attorney Kelly Benavides, Defense Attorney Maegen Bradley, Defense Attorney Marisa Ayala, Defense Attorney Matt DeLuca, Defense Attorney Max Rabinovich, Defense Attorney Michael Fosher, Defense Attorney Michelle Beck, Defense Attorney Mitchel Nelson, Defense Attorney Murray Newman, Defense Attorney Natalie Still, Defense Attorney Nicole Deborde, Defense Attorney Rahan Atia, Public Defender Saif Kazim, Defense Attorney Sam Adamo, Defense Attorney Sharon Chu (Verdict), Defense Attorney Stephanie Martin, Defense Attorney Stephen Aslett, Defense Attorney Wilford Anderson

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ShowMeTheJustice – July 8, 2021


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[su_heading size=”30″ margin=”100″]Today’s ROSSTER of courtroom WINNERS[/su_heading]

Defense Attorney Alvin Adjei, Defense Attorney Chad Dick, Defense Attorney Corey Gomel, Defense Attorney Emmanuel Nwuli, Defense Attorney George Parnham, Defense Attorney Henry Nguyen, Defense Attorney Israel Santana, Defense Attorney Jolanda Jones, Defense Attorney Joseph Gagliardi, Defense Attorney Joseph Guevara, Defense Attorney Kimberly McTorry, Defense Attorney Lenzi Sheible, Defense Attorney Lori Deangelo, Defense Attorney Marco Sapien, Defense Attorney Marcus Fleming, Defense Attorney Matt DeLuca, Defense Attorney Melissa Dickson, Defense Attorney Michael Nassif, Defense Attorney Omar Saman, Defense Attorney Patty Segura, Defense Attorney Philip Scardino, Defense Attorney Samuel Milledge II, Defense Attorney Thomas Martin, Defense Attorney Todd Ward, Defense Attorney Tom Omondi, Defense Attorney Vik Vij

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ShowMeTheJustice – March 4, 2021

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Defense Attorney Abbie Russell, Defense Attorney Cheryl Brown, Defense Attorney Chris Tritico, Defense Attorney Dane Johnson, Defense Attorney Danny Easterling, Defense Attorney Dionne Press, Defense Attorney George Tennant, Jr., Defense Attorney Gerald Fry, Defense Attorney James Stafford, Defense Attorney Janet Kleban, Defense Attorney Joe Wells, Defense Attorney Juan Aguirre, Defense Attorney Korey Huff, Defense Attorney Lori Deangelo, Defense Attorney Maverick Ray, Defense Attorney Romy Kaplan, Defense Attorney Rusty Hardin, Defense Attorney Tom Radosevich

along with: Defense Attorney Maegen Bradley, Defense Attorney Sean Darvishi, Defense Attorney Shahin Zamir, Defense Attorney Kenneth Cager, Defense Attorney Mary Conn, Defense Attorney Matt Deluca

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