ShowMeTheJustice – February 11, 2022

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Show Me The Justice congratulates: Defense Attorney Blanca Lopez, Defense Attorney Brennen Dunn, Defense Attorney Carl Pruett, Defense Attorney Carlos Rodriguez (Verdict), Defense Attorney Coby Arnsworth, Defense Attorney Craig Hughes, Defense Attorney Dennis Craggs, Defense Attorney Donlee Smith, Defense Attorney Doug Murphy, Defense Attorney Elton Lockings, Prosecutor Erica Johnson (Verdict), Defense Attorney Erik Smith, Public Defender Eugene Hong, Defense Attorney Hadee Khan, Defense Attorney Joe Hernandez, Defense Attorney Joe Wells, Defense Attorney Josh Stephens (Verdict), Defense Attorney Kate Ferrell, Defense Attorney Lonnie Knowles, Defense Attorney Lori Deangelo, Defense Attorney Marjorie Muniz, Defense Attorney Mark Thiessen, Defense Attorney Matt Perez (Verdict), Defense Attorney Nathan Hennigan, Defense Attorney Nikki Proa, Public Defender Patrick Lara, Defense Attorney Rahan Atia, Defense Attorney Sylvia Escobedo, Prosecutor Tiera Johnson Williams (Verdict), Defense Attorney Victor Porras

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ShowMeTheJustice – January 7, 2022

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Show Me The Justice congratulates: Defense Attorney Chanae Davis, Defense Attorney Cheryl Irvin, Defense Attorney Ed Chernoff, Defense Attorney Hans Nielsen, Defense Attorey James Elick (Verdict), Defense Attorney Jesse Rios, Defense Attorney Jessica Padilla, Defense Attorney John Petruzzi, Defense Attorney Jorge Cantu, Defense Attorney Juanita Jackson, Public Defender Katie Wilson, Defense Attorney Kenneth Cager,  Public Defender Kris Ougrah, Defense Attorney Mario Santos, Defense Attorney Matt Perez, Defense Attorney Matthew Mateer (Verdict), Defense Attorney Maverick Ray, Defense Attorney Max Rabinovich, Defense Attorney Melissa Dickson, Defense Attorney Mike Monks, Defense Attorney Myron Davis, Defense Attorney Natalie Schultz, Defense Attorney Nathaniel Pitoniak, Defense Attorney Paria Rafiee, Defense Attorney Renee Thomason, Defense Attorney Sina Sadeh, Defense Attorney Vafa Jasemi-Zergani

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ShowMeTheJustice – December 3, 2021

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Show Me The Justice congratulates: Prosecutor Abraham Chopin (Verdict), Defense Attorney Ahmad Azam, Defense Attorney Asha Reddi, Public Defender Ashley Guice, Defense Attorney Bill Exley (Verdict), Defense Attorney Brenda DeRouen, Defense Attorney Carl Moore, Defense Attorney Chanae Davis, Defense Attorney Christopher Carlson (Verdict), Public Defender Damaris Betancourt, Public Defender Damon Parrish II, Defense Attorney David Breston, Defense Attorney Derek Hollingsworth, Defense Attorney Eddie Cortes, Defense Attorney Elton Lockings, Defense Attorney Eric Devlin, Public Defender Eugene Newsom, Defense Attorney Jolanda Jones, Defense Attorney Kenneth McCoy, Defense Attorney Kyle Sampson, Defense Attorney Marcos Adrogue, Defense Attorney Mark Metzger (Verdict), Defense Attorney Matt Perez, Defense Attorney Michael Mercer, Defense Attorney Paul St. John, Defense Attorney Ryan Mitchell, Defense Attorney Sean McAlister, Defense Attorney Shonda Jones, Defense Attorney Tyler Flood

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ShowMeTheJustice – August 19, 2021


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[su_heading size=”30″ margin=”100″]Today’s ROSSTER of courtroom WINNERS are:[/su_heading]

Defense Attorney Akilah Bacy, Defense Attorney Armen Merjanian, Defense Attorney Brian Ayson, Defense Attorney Brian Coyne, Defense Attorney Chanae Davis, Defense Attorney Cheryl Brown, Defense Attorney Cheryl Irvin, Defense Attorney Chris Gunter, Defense Attorney Patrick Ngwolo, Defense Attorney Edward Casanova, Defense Attorney Gogo Owor, Defense Attorney Hadee Khan, Defense Attorney Hector Bolivar, Defense Attorney James Reed, Defense Attorney Jill Lansden, Defense Attorney Joa Sherman, Defense Attorney Jonathan Landers, Defense Attorney Joshua Willoughby, Defense Attorney Mario Santos, Defense Attorney Matt Perez, Defense Attorney Maverick Ray, Defense Attorney Mekisha Walker, Defense Attorney Nicholas Saranto, Defense Attorney Sadiyah Evangelista

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ShowMeTheJustice – May 18, 2021


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Defense Attorney Alejandro Macias, Defense Attorney Antonio Benavides, Defense Attorney Brennen Dunn, Defense Attorney Derek Deyon, Defense Attorney Frank Morfin, Defense Attorney Fred Dahr, Defense Attorney Harris Wood Jr., Defense Attorney Henry Nguyen, Defense Attorney Jante Langan, Defense Attorney Jerome Godinich, Defense Attorney Jonas Hunter, Defense Attorney Kimberly McTorry, Defense Attorney Lazaro Izaguirre, Defense Attorney Mark Thiessen, Defense Attorney Martina Longoria, Defense Attorney Matt Perez, Defense Attorney Mekisha Walker, Defense Attorney Natalie Still, Defense Attorney Rand Mintzer, Prosecutor Renee Serrato (Verdict), Defense Attorney Robert Rosenberg, Defense Attorney Ron Johnson, Defense Attorney Sylvia Escobedo, Defense Attorney Tyler Flood, Defense Attorney Will Mejia

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ShowMeTheJustice – May 3, 2021


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Prosecutor Aaron Chapman (Verdict), Defense Attorney Andreea Ionescu, Defense Attorney Brent Mayr, Defense Attorney Bryan Savoy, Defense Attorney Dan Simons, Defense Attorney Daniel Krause, Defense Attorney Eddrea McKnight, Defense Attorney Herman Martinez, Defense Attorney Jack Carroll, Defense Attorney Jayson Booth, Defense Attorney Julio Vela, Defense Attorney Kyle Sampson, Defense Attorney Larry Boje, Defense Attorney Lott Brooks, Defense Attorney Martina Longoria, Defense Attorney Matt Perez, Defense Attorney Monique Sparks, Defense Attorney Owen Campbell, Defense Attorney Paul Morgan, Defense Attorney Peter Justin, Defense Attorney Rick Oliver, Defense Attorney Samuel Cammack III, Prosecutor Tiffany Dupree (Verdict), Defense Attorney Tiffany Hill, Defense Attorney Timothy Donahue, Defense Attorney William McLellan

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ShowMeTheJustice – March 19, 2021

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Defense Attorney Alejandro Macias, Defense Attorney Brian Roberts, Defense Attorney David Vuong, Defense Attorney Drew Prisner, Defense Attorney James Reed, Defense Attorney Jim Mount, Defense Attorney Julio Vela, Defense Attorney Lindsay  Lopez, Defense Attorney Marcos Adrogue, Defense Attorney Nathaniel Munier, Defense Attorney Nathaniel Pitoniak, Defense Attorney Paria Rafiee, Defense Attorney Quinon Brooker, Defense Attorney Stephanie Martin, Defense Attorney Thalia Dubose

along with: Defense Attorney Roger Haseman, Defense Attorney Brad Runcie, Defense Attorney Cheryl Brown, Defense Attorney Matt Perez, Defense Attorney Romy  Kaplan, Defense Attorney Matt Hennessy

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ShowMeTheJustice – November 11, 2020

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FEATURED COURTROOM WINNERS:   Defense Attorney Ana Martinez, Defense Attorney Andreea Ionescu, Defense Attorney Andrew Smith, Public Defender Betsy Stukes Martinez, Defense Attorney Bret Kisluk, Defense Attorney Brian Coyne, Defense Attorney Charles Thompson, Defense Attorney Drew Willey, Defense Attorney Eric Benavides, Defense Attorney Harris Wood, Defense Attorney Janet Kleban, Defense Attorney Jeff DeSandro, Defense Attorney Kevin Stryker, Defense Attorney Mandy Goldman Miller, Defense Attorney Maritza Antu, Defense Attorney Markay Stroud, Defense Attorney Matt Perez, Defense Attorney Maverick Ray, Defense Attorney Mike Monks, Defense Attorney Paria Rafiee, Defense Attorney Shreya Gulamali, Defense Attorney Staci Biggar, Defense Attorney Syed Imam, Defense Attorney Todd Overstreet

Continue reading “ShowMeTheJustice – November 11, 2020” – June 26, 2020

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FEATURED COURTROOM WINNERS:   Defense Attorney Brennen Dunn, Defense Attorney Bryan Savoy, Defense Attorney Chelsi Hall, Defense Attorney Connie Williams, Defense Attorney Dan Richardson, Defense Attorney Doug O’Brien, Defense Attorney Fred Dahr, Prosecutor Georgina Stephenson (Verdict), Defense Attorney Gilbert Villarreal, Defense Attorney Gordon Dees, Defense Attorney Joel Salazar, Defense Attorney Lindsay Bauer, Defense Attorney Lisa Andrews Alpe, Defense Attorney Mary Conn, Defense Attorney Matt Perez, Defense Attorney Michael Renfro, Defense Attorney Mike Harkins, Defense Attorney Paria Rafiee, Defense Attorney Ricardo Gonzalez, Defense Attorney Sally Ring, Defense Attorney Shahin Zamir, Defense Attorney Shannon Drehner, Public Defender Sherlene Cruz, Defense Attorney Stacy Sederis, Defense Attorney Steven Greenlee, Defense Attorney Tyrone Moncriffe

Continue reading “ – June 26, 2020”

ShowMeTheJustice – February 12, 2020

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FEATURED COURTROOM WINNERS:   Prosecutor Anthony Osso, Jr. (Verdict), Defense Attorney Brian Coyne, Defense Attorney Bryan Acklin, Defense Attorney Carlos Rodriguez (Verdict), Defense Attorney Charles Flood, Defense Attorney Cheryl Brown, Defense Attorney Dane Johnson, Defense Attorney Danny Easterling, Defense Attorney Dionne Press, Defense Attorney Drew Willey, Defense Attorney Eddrea McKnight, Defense Attorney Eric Devlin, Defense Attorney Juanita Jackson, Defense Attorney Mark Lipkin, Defense Attorney Matt Perez (Verdict), Defense Attorney Maverick Ray, Defense Attorney Monica Ishak (Verdict), Defense Attorney Paria Rafiee, Defense Attorney Renee Thomason, Defense Attorney Sally Ring, Defense Attorney Tyler Flood, Defense Attorney Walter Mahoney (Verdict), Defense Attorney William Van Buren

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ShowMeTheJustice – November 8, 2019

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FEATURING:   Defense Attorney Bob Loper (verdict), Defense Attorney David Bires, Defense Attorney Danny Werlinger (verdict), Defense Attorney David Ryan, Defense Attorney Edward Casanova, Public Defender Jackie Carpenter, Prosecutor Jamie Burro (verdict), Defense Attorney Jon Stephenson (verdict), Defense Attorney Kimberly McTorry, Defense Attorney Kyle Sampson, Defense Attorney Lisa Andrews Alpe, Defense Attorney Mark Thiessen, Defense Attorney Markay Stroud, Defense Attorney Matt Perez (verdict), Defense Attorney Maverick Ray, Prosecutor Megan Elliot Long (verdict), Defense Attorney Nathaniel Tarlow, Defense Attorney Peter Justin, Defense Attorney Ratan Atia, Defense Attorney Rishabh Godha, Defense Attorney Sean Darvishi, Defense Attorney Silvia Pubchara

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ShowMeTheJustice – September 26, 2019

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FEATURING: Defense Attorney AJ Wright, Defense Attorney Antuan Johnson, Public Defender Ashley Guice, Defense Attorney Billy Skinner, Defense Attorney Casey Garrett, Defense Attorney Ed Chernoff, Defense Attorney Edward Okwueze, Defense Attorney Inger Chandler, Defense Attorney Joe Varela, Defense Attorney Jonas Hunter, Defense Attorney Jose Cantu, Jr. , Prosecutor Kaylynn Williford, Prosecutor Lauren Bard, Defense Attorney Matt Perez, Defense Attorney Melissa Dickson, Defense Attorney Michael Renfro, Defense Attorney Nathaniel Pitoniak, Prosecutor Samantha Knecht, Defense Attorney Spence Graham, Defense Attorney Steven Greenlee, Defense Attorney Valerie Waddell

Continue reading “ShowMeTheJustice – September 26, 2019”