The “Rosster” of Courtroom Winners – Week Ending February 2, 2024

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We had 21 LAWYERS complete 12 TRIALS this week at the Harris County Criminal Courthouse.  The results were 2 GUILTY VERDICTS, 6 NOT GUILTY VERDICTS, 1 IN TRIAL PLEA and 3 MISTRIALS.   3 TRIALS are currently in progress.

Congratulations to the trial winners and to the 44 Lawyers below who won their case with a dismissal of charges!

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ShowMeTheJustice – February 14, 2022

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Show Me The Justice congratulates: Defense Attorney Andy Drumheller, Defense Attorney Arthur Washington, Defense Attorney Asha Reddi, Defense Attorney Brian Benken, Defense Attorney Carl Moore, Public Defender Christopher Self, Defense Attorney David Rushing, Defense Attorney Denise Crawford, Defense Attorney Doug Loper, Defense Attorney Gladys Daniels, Defense Attorney Jill Hawkins, Defense Attorney Jim Mount, Defense Attorney Judy Mingledorff, Defense Attorney Lara Autrey, Defense Attorney Marcos Adrogue, Defense Attorney Marjorie Muniz, Defense Attorney Mark Thering, Defense Attorney Megan Bove, Defense Attorney Mekisha Walker, Defense Attorney Nicolette Westbrooks, Defense Attorney Paul Doyle, Defense Attorney Perry Bass, Defense Attorney Shannon Drehner, Defense Attorney Shreya Gulamali, Defense Attorney Stephanie Morales

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ShowMeTheJustice – December 15, 2021

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Show Me The Justice congratulates: Defense Attorney Andrew Smith, Defense Attorney Brandon Bibby, Defense Attorney Bret Kisluk, Defense Attorney Cary Higginbotham, Defense Attorney Patrick Ngwolo, Defense Attorney Cory Roth, Defense Attorney Dionne Press, Defense Attorney Dustan Neyland, Defense Attorney Frederick Kelly, Defense Attorney James Alston, Defense Attorney Jason Johnson, Defense Attorney Joe Vinas, Defense Attorney Juanita Jackson, Defense Attorney Kacie Penman, Defense Attorney Khalil Saman, Defense Attorney Mac Schaffer, Public Defender Mauricio Vazquez, Defense Attorney Nathan Mays, Defense Attorney Neil Krugh, Defense Attorney Nicolette Westbrooks, Defense Attorney Sara Roque, Public Defender Sara Smitherman, Defense Attorney Sean Buckley, Prosecutor Thomas Waddle (Verdict), Defense Attorney Tim Ballengee, Defense Attorney Tonya McLaughlin

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ShowMeTheJustice – November 4, 2021

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Defense Attorney Beth Exley, Defense Attorney Brennen Dunn (Verdict), Defense Attorney Brock White, Defense Attorney Charles Ganz, Public Defender Christopher Self, Defense Attorney Craig Hughes, Defense Attorney Donale Evans, Defense Attorney Eric Benavides, Prosecutor Helen Le (Verdict), Defense Attorney Inger Chandler, Defense Attorney John Cedillo, Defense Attorney Joshua Willoughby, Defense Attorney Julio Vela, Defense Attorney Lourdes Rodriguez, Defense Attorney Markay Stroud, Defense Attorney Neil Krugh, Defense Attorney Nicolette Westbrooks, Defense Attorney Patrick Ruzzo, Defense Attorney Paula Goodhart, Defense Attorney Riddhi Desai, Defense Attorney Robert Loper, Defense Attorney Sean Payne, Defense Attorney Silvia Pubchara, Defense Attorney Stefanie Gonzalez, Defense Attorney Thomas Locke, Defense Attorney Timothy Donahue, Defense Attorney Trevor Sharon, Defense Attorney Tyler Flood (Verdict)

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