The “Rosster” of Courtroom Winners – Week Ending December 15, 2023

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We had 27 LAWYERS complete 16 TRIALS this week at the Harris County Criminal Courthouse.  The results were 10 GUILTY VERDICTS, 6 NOT GUILTY VERDICTS and 5 MISTRIALS

Congratulations to the trial winners and to the 31 Lawyers below who won their case with a dismissal of charges!

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The “Rosster”of Courtroom Winners – Week of September 12, 2022

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We had 10 SUCCESSFUL LAWYERS who participated in 7 TRIALS that resulted in 9 VERDICTS this week at the Harris County Criminal Courthouse – 6 Guilty and 3 Not Guilty Verdicts.

Congratulations to the Lawyers who won their trials and the 50 Lawyers below who won their case with a dismissal of charges!

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The “Rosster” of Courtroom Winners – Week of September 5, 2022

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We had 2 SUCCESSFUL LAWYERS who participated in 4 TRIALS that resulted in 2 VERDICTS this week at the Harris County Criminal Courthouse – 2 Guilty and 2 Hung Juries.

Congratulations to the Lawyers who won their trials and the 50 Lawyers below who won their case with a dismissal of charges!

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The “Rosster” of Courtroom Winners – Week of August 22, 2022

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We had 8 SUCCESSFUL LAWYERS who participated in 6 TRIALS that resulted in 5 VERDICTS this week at the Harris County Criminal Courthouse – 4 Guilty and 1 Not Guilty Verdict along with an In Trial Plea.

Congratulations to the Lawyers who won their trials and the 58 Lawyers below who won their case with a dismissal of charges!

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ShowMeTheJustice – April 19, 2022

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Show Me The Justice congratulates: Public Defender Alan Macias, Defense Attorney Alejandro Macias, Defense Attorney Antonio Benavides, Defense Attorney Bill Stradley, Defense Attorney Brennen Dunn, Defense Attorney Casey Garrett, Defense Attorney David Rushing, Defense Attorney Dustan Neyland, Defense Attorney Ed Chernoff, Defense Attorney Ericon Garza, Public Defender Fabio Amador, Prosecutor Helen Le (Verdict), Defense Attorney Herman Martinez, Defense Attorney Jerome Godinich, Defense Attorney Juan Aldape, Defense Attorney Justin Fowles, Defense Attorney Kenneth Allen Jr, Public Defender Kevin Keating, Defense Attorney Marcos Adrogue, Defense Attorney Mark Thering, Defense Attorney Meredith Morse, Defense Attorney Paria Rafiee, Defense Attorney Robert Eutsler, Defense Attorney Ryan Fremuth, Defense Attorney Sean McLaughlin, Defense Attorney Thomas Johnson, Prosecutor Will Orr (Verdict)

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ShowMeTheJustice – February 24, 2022

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Show Me The Justice congratulates: Defense Attorney Allena Wright, Defense Attorney Bill Exley, Public Defender Brandon Ball, Defense Attorney Brennen Dunn, Defense Attorney Carlos Rodriguez, Defense Attorney Charles Brodsky, Defense Attorney Cheryl Brown, Defense Attorney Daniel Krause (Verdict), Defense Attorney Dionne Press, Defense Attorney Ericon Garza, Defense Attorney Frederick Kelly, Public Defender Gemayel Haynes, Defense Attorney Jill Lansden, Defense Attorney Jimmy Ortiz Jr, Defense Attorney Jonathan Landers, Prosecutor Kasie Herring (Verdict), Defense Attorney Mark Lipkin, Defense Attorney Matthew Mateer (Verdict), Defense Attorney Melissa Dickson, Defense Attorney Michael Driver, Public Defender Michael Roman, Prosecutor Natalia Leon (Verdict), Defense Attorney Patrick Ngwolo, Defense Attorney Rick Oliver, Defense Attorney Sara Roque, Defense Attorney Thomas Johnson, Defense Attorney Tucker Graves, Defense Attorney Wayne Heller, Defense Attorney Wilford Anderson

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ShowMeTheJustice – November 18, 2021

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Show Me The Justice congratulates:  Public Defender Ben Friedman, Prosecutor Brett Batchelor (Verdict), Defense Attorney Brandon Strauss, Defense Attorney Byron Watson, Prosecutor Danielle Oxford (Verdict), Defense Attorney Equator Turner, Defense Attorney Herman Martinez, Defense Attorney Inger Chandler, Defense Attorney Janet Kleban, Defense Attorney Jimmy Ortiz Jr, Defense Attorney Joe Wells, Defense Attorney Kevin Stryker, Defense Attorney Kimberly McTorry, Defense Attorney Maite Sample, Defense Attorney Matt DeLuca, Defense Attorney Matt Tyson, Defense Attorney Michael Slider, Defense Attorney Monique Sparks, Defense Attorney Norman Silverman, Defense Attorney Ricardo Gonzalez, Defense Attorney Sara Roque, Defense Attorney Stacey Morgan, Defense Attorney Stacy Sederis, Defense Attorney Thomas Johnson, Defense Attorney Todd Dupont, Defense Attorney Todd Overstreet, Defense Attorney Vik Vij

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ShowMeTheJustice – October 25, 2021

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Defense Attorney Abbie Russell, Public Defender Ana Funes Baker (In Trial Dismissal), Prosecutor Brett Batchelor (Verdict), Defense Attorney Carl Moore, Defense Attorney Patrick Ngwolo, Defense Attorney Cory Roth, Prosecutor Danielle Oxford (Verdict), Defense Attorney David Lee, Defense Attorney Eugene Tausk, Defense Attorney Grant Hardeway, Defense Attorney Jessica Reed, Defense Attorney Jimmy Ortiz Jr, Defense Attorney Joe Vinas, Defense Attorney Josh Stephens (Verdict), Defense Attorney Justin Harris, Defense Attorney Kimberly McTorry, Defense Attorney Martina Longoria, Prosecutor Moniqua Scott (Verdict), Defense Attorney Neal Davis, Defense Attorney Neha Dubey, Defense Attorney Omar Saman, Defense Attorney Samuel Cammack III, Defense Attorney Sara Davis, Public Defender Sara Smitherman, Defense Attorney Staci Biggar, Defense Attorney Stephanie Morales, Defense Attorney Stephen St. Martin, Defense Attorney Thomas Johnson, Defense Attorney Todd Leffler, Defense Attorney William McLellan

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ShowMeTheJustice – July 27, 2021


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[su_heading size=”30″ margin=”100″]Today’s ROSSTER of courtroom WINNERS are:[/su_heading]

Prosecutor Anne Hutson (Verdict), Defense Attorney Anthony Limitone, Defense Attorney Austen Hobbs, Defense Attorney Brett Podolsky, Public Defender Christina  Hoang, Defense Attorney Daniel Krause, Defense Attorney David Breston, Defense Attorney Ed Chernoff, Defense Attorney Equator Turner (Verdict), Defense Attorney Henry Nguyen, Defense Attorney James Rubin, Defense Attorney Jesus Estrada, Defense Attorney Jose Rodriguez, Defense Attorney Kimberly McTorry, Defense Attorney Kyle Sampson, Defense Attorney Lauren Byrne, Defense Attorney Leslie Legrand, Defense Attorney Marco Sapien, Defense Attorney Marie Primm, Defense Attorney Maritza Antu, Defense Attorney Myrecia Donaldson, Defense Attorney Paria Rafiee, Defense Attorney Peter De Leef, Defense Attorney Rick Suarez, Defense Attorney Thomas Johnson, Prosecutor Tim Adams (Verdict), Prosecutor Traci Gibson (Verdict), Prosecutor Tyler White  (Verdict), Defense Attorney William McLellan

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ShowMeTheJustice – June 23, 2021


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Defense Attorney Adam Muldrow, Defense Attorney Andrew Smith, Defense Attorney Anthony Limitone, Public Defender Brandy Gum, Defense Attorney Drew Willey, Prosecutor Jacob Salinas (Verdict), Defense Attorney Jay Cohen, Defense Attorney Jessica Padilla, Defense Attorney Jim Medley, Defense Attorney Kevin Stryker, Defense Attorney Khalil Saman, Defense Attorney Lonnie Knowles, Public Defender Lori Gooch, Defense Attorney Mack Schaffer, Defense Attorney Matt Sharp, Defense Attorney Neil Krugh, Defense Attorney Robert Wolfe, Defense Attorney Sara Davis, Defense Attorney Shannon Davis, Defense Attorney Staci Biggar, Defense Attorney Stephanie Morales, Defense Attorney Terrance Jewett, Defense Attorney Thomas Johnson, Defense Attorney Todd Ward, Defense Attorney Tucker Graves

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ShowMeTheJustice -March 26, 2021

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Defense Attorney Asha Reddi, Public Defender Barbara Drumheller, Defense Attorney Charles Brown, Defense Attorney Ed McClees, Defense Attorney Grant Hardeway, Defense Attorney Herman Martinez, Defense Attorney Jeanie Ortiz, Defense Attorney Justin Keiter, Defense Attorney Kenneth Mitchell, Defense Attorney Kim Abbey, Defense Attorney LePaul Jack, Defense Attorney Mario Santos, Defense Attorney Marjorie Muniz, Defense Attorney Melissa Dickson, Defense Attorney Nathan Hennigan, Defense Attorney Owen Campbell, Defense Attorney Paige Lewis, Defense Attorney Paula Goodhart, Defense Attorney Roger Bridgwater, Defense Attorney Sally Ring, Defense Attorney Thomas Johnson, Pubic Defender Victoria Erfesoglou

along with: Defense Attorney Denise Crawford, Defense Attorney Earl Musick, Defense Attorney Aaron White, Defense attorney Natalie Still, Defense Attorney Chabli Hall, Defense Attorney Christopher Sharkey

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ShowMeTheJustice – March 2, 2021

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Defense Attorney Akilah Bacy,  Defense Attorney Andrew Smith, Defense Attorney Angela Weltin, Defense Attorney Brandon Strauss, Public Defender Bukky Oyewuwo, Defense Attorney Christopher Godine, Defense Attorney Edward Casanova, Defense Attorney Ericon Garza, Defense Attorney Joseph Kelly, Defense Attorney Juanita Jackson, Defense Attorney Matt Horak, Defense Attorney Michael Nassif, Defense Attorney Neil Krugh, Defense Attorney Robert Valles, Jr, Defense Attorney Scott Ramsey, Defense Attorney Thomas Johnson, Defense Attorney Timothy Rose, Defense Attorney Wayne Hill

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ShowMeTheJustice – January 6, 2021

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FEATURED COURTROOM WINNERS:   Defense Attorney Adam Brown, Defense Attorney Andrew Smith, Defense Attorney Austen Hobbs, Defense Attorney Bret Kisluk, Defense Attorney Bryan Acklin, Defense Attorney Catherine Evans, Defense Attorney Charles Banker, Defense Attorney Charles Brodsky, Defense Attorney Chris Downey, Defense Attorney Cindy Marshall, Defense Attorney Corey Gomel, Public Defender Damaris Betancourt, Defense Attorney Dionne Press, Defense Attorney Ed Chernoff, Defense Attorney Feroz Merchant, Defense Attorney Harris Wood, Defense Attorney Ivan Lopez De Victoria, Defense Attorney James Epo, Defense Attorney James Rivera, Defense Attorney Joe Varela, Defense Attorney Jon Stephenson, Defense Attorney Kate Welch, Defense Attorney Keith Larson, Defense Attorney Kenneth McCoy, Defense Attorney Kim Samman, Defense Attorney Mac MIller, Defense Attorney Maritza Antu, Defense Attorney Mekisha Walker, Defense Attorney Michael Fosher, Defense Attorney Michael Renfro, Defense Attorney Rigoberto Rodriguez, Public Defender Saif Kazim, Defense Attorney Sally Ring, Defense Attorney Thalia Dubose, Defense Attorney Thomas Johnson, Defense Attorney Vik Vij

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ShowMeTheJustice – December 3, 2020

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FEATURED COURTROOM WINNERS:   Defense Attorney Abbie Russell, Defense Attorney Atoya Collins, Defense Attorney Augustin Pink, Defense Attorney Bill Exley, Defense Attorney Blanca Arbour, Defense Attorney Brock White, Defense Attorney Daniel Chism, Defense Attorney Danny Werlinger, Defense Attorney David Cunningham, Defense Attorney Dionne Press, Defense Attorney Edward Okwueze, Public Defender Eugene Hong, Public Defender Ike Okorafor, Defense Attorney Jamal Asafi, Defense Attorney Jante Langan, Defense Attorney Jerome Godinich, Defense Attorney Jessica Padilla, Defense Attorney Joe Hernandez, Defense Attorney Joel Salazar, Defense Attorney Kelly Benavides, Defense Attorney Manik Wadhawan, Defense Attorney Marc Metze, Defense Attorney Marie Primm, Defense Attorney Maverick Ray, Defense Attorney Melissa Dickson, Defense Attorney Michael Renfro, Defense Attorney Nathan Mays, Defense Attorney Rand Mintzer, Defense Attorney Riddhi Desai, Defense Attorney Sierra Tabone, Defense Attorney Silvia Pubchara, Defense Attorney Simone Bray, Defense Attorney Spence Graham, Defense Attorney Stacy Sederis, Defense Attorney Thomas Johnson

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ShowMeTheJustice – November 24, 2020

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FEATURED COURTROOM WINNERS:   Defense Attorney Andreea Ionescu, Defense Attorney Austen Hobbs, Defense Attorney Brandon Strauss, Defense Attorney Bret Kisluk, Defense Attorney Casey Garrett, Defense Attorney Cheryl Chapell, Defense Attorney Craig Hughes, Defense Attorney Eric Devlin, Defense Attorney Francisco Fernandez, Defense Attorney Fred Dahr, Defense Attorney James Stafford, Public Defender Jasmine Henderson, Defense Attorney Jeanie Ortiz, Defense Attorney Jessica Padilla, Defense Attorney Jimmy Ortiz, Defense Attorney John Petruzzi, Defense Attorney Juan Aguirre (Verdict), Defense Attorney Justin Keiter, Defense Attorney Lisa Andrews Alpe, Defense Attorney Lisa Shapiro Strauss, Defense Attorney Marcos Adrogue, Defense Attorney Maritza Antu, Defense Attorney Mark Mitchell, Defense Attorney Michael Nassif, Defense Attorney Mike Monks, Defense Attorney Noel Bailey, Defense Attorney Omar Saman, Defense Attorney Paria Rafiee, Defense Attorney Stephanie Martin, Defense Attorney Stephen Lekas, Defense Attorney Thomas Johnson, Defense Attorney Todd Ward, Defense Attorney Tonya Rolland McLaughlin

Continue reading “ShowMeTheJustice – November 24, 2020”